We did it America!!! We elected a 78 year old convicted felon, rapist, who tried to steal the last election and believes immigrants are eating pets because he saw it on tv! His concepts of a plan for healthcare will usher in a new era of prosperity. USA! USA! USA!

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I honestly cannot believe the stupidity alive and well in this country. I mean it. I'm stunned.

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The fact is, all of the things you outlined, the swing voters just don’t care. Plus, if you take a look at the margins at IL, NY and NJ, you’ll know not only the swing voters, the base also have plummeted too.

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You're correct they don't care. I find it terrifying and depressing that this stuff means nothing to them.

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Well, take a look at Argentina. People care about economy and the kitchen table more than the fluffy policy, ideology stuff. It’s just sad I know.

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Real (i.e. inflation-adjusted) wages are up from 2019 to 2023 for most cohorts within the country, and much more for the lowest decile vs the other groups (https://files.epi.org/uploads/279904.pdf). People know inflation is "imposed" on them from outside but they consider wage increases (awarded by employers largely *because* of inflation) as entirely their own doing based on talent and hard work. I saw a quote along the lines of "pervasive civic ignorance is the greatest threat to the country" (I would add 'willful' as an adjective in there). Sad!

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agree. Completely and utterly depressing.

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Why would democrats in new york, CA , and NJ come out for Kamala if she only cares about Dick/Liz Cheney and courting republicans. She doesn't care about us at all. I voted for Trump after Clinton and Biden in the past 2, I can see the disdain more and more

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and don't forget about having the anti-vaxxing king RFK Jr in charge of health care. So Bon Voyage, ACA!

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I can't wait for fluoride to be removed from our drinking water so I get more cavities!

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Sorry, Benjamin Franklin, we couldn't keep it.

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I’m devastated about this. He will ruin our country. I’m afraid for my children. I’m afraid for our future. The narrative on Morning Joe is that Biden is being blamed for lockdowns during COVID, so Harris got blamed too. The other issues were trans kids playing sports and pronouns, people not accepting the trans push by Democrats. I don’t know if this is what happened but it seems to be a reasonable assumption.

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As David Axelrod said on CNN last night, the Democrats treat working class voters like Margaret Mead coming across villagers to study them and tells them "we can help you become more like us". Condescension is not a winning strategy. It's not just economic issues - it's the culture is where they're getting killed.

I remember during the Brexit campaign and people said if they left they'd be poorer and the actor Michael Caine stated "I'd rather be a poor master than a rich servant". You can meet the working class where they are or try to convince them that you're smarter and they should be like you - which one is a winning strategy?

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I have never felt so saddened and depressed about our country. And the hard fact that now a majority apparently hate women. I fear for my children. (Daughter and gay son) I see no good coming from any of it. I may just shut off all political info for the foreseeable future. 😢😔

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Racism and misogyny remain rampant in the USA.

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Hi Chris, all I can say is please don’t stop what you are doing. Objective voices like yours are desperately needed now more than ever.

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Let’s not forget that Elon Musk and RFK Jr were also elected. He already flipped SCOTUS and now has both the House and the Senate. Ukraine will fall to Putin. We could pull out of NATO. Elon says we need to be ready for hardships. RFK could change health care for our children. There are no controls left. I am truly frightened.

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Yeah Elon says be ready for hardships, while he and his zillionaire friends make more zillions with the Felon in power.

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Crimea was annexed under Obama in 2014.

Putin re-attacked in 2022 under Biden.

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And Trump refused to send misses to Ukraine because Zelensky wouldn’t give him dirt on Hunter Biden. Biden sent him weapons and equipment which have helped keep Putin at bay.

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The lies must stop. The world saw, on video, an ex VP Biden bragging about refusing to deliver $1B in US aid unless Ukraine fired a prosecutor. A prosecutor who was investigating Hunter's business interests in the Ukraine. We now know Hunter's business interests were Joe's business interests to the tune of millions. Trump had every right to ask Zelensky to get to the bottom of the Bidens in Ukraine. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6429020-Ukraine-Transcript#document/p4/a526709

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Your lies must stop, or at least you need to review actual facts before you repeat maga talking points.

The VP has no power to deny or delay Congressionaly funded aid, VP Biden was bluffing when he said that he would stop the aid, and his bluff worked, that is what he was bragging about.

The bluff moved the government to remove the corrupt prosecutor which the US and EU had been trying to get removed. Removing that corrupt prosecutor was US policy, and EU policy, as we do not like corruption in countries we sent US taxpayer aid to, and the US and EU had been trying for years to get him removed, Biden flew in and within hours he was able to get him removed, with a bluff. That is what he was bragging about. Biden was actually following US policy with the move to get that corrupt prosecutor removed.

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Biden fired a prosecutor to serve his interests not the interests of the United States. AG Garland was censured by Congress, you would be cool by a Chinese Deputy coming in "bluffing" to removed an appointee of the President?

So Biden was not lying but merely bluffing? Why would he "bluff"? How can you tell the difference when someone is bluffing or lying or acting illegally about withholding US aid? Why are interfering with other sovereign nations...that is not US policy? It was Obama-Kerry meddling caused the Russians to enter in the first place. Why did VP not disclose a conflict of interest over his son's business interests in the Ukraine?

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VP Biden did not fire anybody! lol!

It was US POLICY to try and get the Ukrainian govt to remove that CORRUPT prosecutor. Biden was following US policy to try and pressure the Ukraininan government to remove that corrupt prosecutor. The US was sending millions of dollars in aid to Ukraine and we have an anti-corruptipn policy, which means we do not approve of corruption. Especially when it involves US taxpayer dollars.

This happened before Putin invaded Crimea, lol! Try and keep up.

The corrupt prosecutor was failing to investigate corruption and was refusing to investigate the company Hunter Biden worked for. So getting the corrupt prosecutor fired resulted in that company actually being investigated! This is all old news, try and keep up.

Oh, and he was bluffing because he told them he would withhold the aid if they did not remove that corrupt prosecutor, WHICH HE CAN NOT DO as VP! He knew they would fall for it and the result was that CORRUPT prosecutor was removed AND US taxpayer money was saved from being used corruptly.

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You can say that again!

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Two thoughts:

As a machinist for 30 years, I think this realignment started with Bill Clinton and the way our working class jobs were decimated by both Democratic and Republican administrations.

As an 80 year old transgender woman, I ask my fellow Americans to not get caught up in fears about us.

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It’s a sad day in America. But the voters have spoken. All I can say is Biden’s reputation is in tatters for not saying he wouldn’t run again. Harris’ liberal background and more of the same failed miserably and the Dem party had better figure out Damm quick how they can message and put in place policies that are more to the middle vs far left.

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Well, my morning sucks and likely the next four years. That a majority of my fellow countrymen support such a racist and misogynistic grifter is mind boggling.

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America has spoken, and did so decisively. My only comment is disappointment that Kamala Harris did not address her supporters last night. Instead of sending out her spokesman, she should have thanked her supporters for all of the work they did, and money they invested, on her behalf. She didn’t have to concede then, but should have had the decency to personally thank those that came out to be with her. Like Hillary in 2016, she chose to let a subordinate deal with her supporters. This is another example of elitism that gives the impression (at the very least) the elites do not care for the men and women who work to support them. Very sad.

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Great Point. Of course come out and thank your hard working supporters. Very disappointing

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In my 70 years, I have never been so embarrassed to call myself an American.

USA Today Opinion: Trump wins 2024 election. America needs to admit it's not 'better than this.'


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We are at the beginning of the Fourth Riech. That is what Project 2025 intends to transform the United States into. Trump will ensure that America does Putin’s bidding.

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Welp. Buckle up folks, this is going to be a bumpy ride. I have never been so optimistic on Election Day as I was yesterday, it really felt like a slam dunk. Like surely, we wouldn’t elect THAT GUY. I’m focusing on the bright spots in my local races because I cannot sit in the negativity for too long or I will spiral.

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