Hey there, welcome to the morning. It's Friday. It's June the 14th, 13 days until the debate. Okay, so Donald Trump was on Capitol Hill yesterday. We talked a little bit about it in yesterday's morning. And he gave an interview to Fox News. How did they land that? And he was asked about his VP pick.
Now, just to be clear, he met with House Republicans, then he met with Senate Republicans. OK, so the question asked of him of this Fox News reporter was, did you was your VP pick in one of those rooms? Here's what he said, quote, Probably.
I don't want to go, but I think it will probably get announced during the convention. During the convention, there were some good people and we have some very good people. Then she followed up. about Glenn Youngkin, the governor of Virginia, and here's what Trump said. I think I should consider that.

The Morning: Ignore Donald Trump's VP speculation

He will say anything!

On Thursday, after meeting with House and Senate Republicans, former president Donald Trump did an interview with Fox News.

The reporter asked him if his vice presidential pick had been in either of those rooms.

“Probably,” Trump responded. “I don't want to go, but I think (it) will probably get announced during the convention. During the convention. There were some good people and, we have some very good people.”

How revealing! Not!

She then followed up by asking whether Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin was under consideration. “I think I could consider that,” Trump responded. “Yes. I haven’t been asked that question, but he would be on that list.”

He’s just saying stuff, people! You could pick a name out of a hat and he would say it’s “interesting” and “something to consider.”

I explain why we need to ignore Trump’s comments about his VP pick in today’s edition of “The Morning.”


Discussion about this video

I can certainly speculate with some degree of confidence that it won’t be Rubio or JD Vance, because Donald J Trump is never going to stand on a stage with a much younger candidate who will emphasize the overfed, wrinkly,sartorially and tonsorially challenged Trump. It definitely won’t be Tim Scott, because Trump’s core base is deeply racist and won’t stand for that. It won’t be Glenn Youngkin, because at a lean 6’5” he would make Trump look like a dumpy old man. Doug Burgum fits the bill, he is 67 so old enough to have some wear on him, not too tall, rich, and subservient. With Trump, it is all about the look. That also eliminates Elise Stefanik, Empty Gee, really anyone that Trump cannot picture by his side. Too bad for Donald that Pence is a turncoat, he was the most perfect of all.

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I understand it's come down to the late, great Hannibal Lecter and Bruce the Shark from "Jaws."

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Don't forget about Al Capone!

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Those reporters are missing a chance to really mess with him and float Liz Cheney or Paul Ryan or someone.

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I agree 100% (maybe 110%). DJT is merely riffing, and savoring the attention. As you've pointed out many times, he's a show biz producer. He knows it works to build suspense "But wait for it! The VP pick will be announced soon!" But, first and foremost he loves being the center of attention.

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Having worked in the Hollywood community for decades, let me correct you RE Trump being a “producer”. He was *not* the ACTUAL producer on “The Apprentice” or “Celebrity Apprentice”: that was Mark Burnett. He’s the man that took a failed businessman and made him appear to be successful, making ALL the decisions.

In Hollywood, if you have a bit of power, you insist upon a “producer credit” in your compensation negotiations, as that gets you extra residuals and/or “points” upfront. The Executive Producer is *still* the one making decisions, regardless of whose name has “Producer” attached to it.

Trump is not the clever “entertainer” that people give him credit for. And I will NEVER forgive Burnett for the “character” he turned a 4-time bankrupted fraud and thief into!

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Larry, valid clarification. I didn't mean that he was literally a "Producer" (capital "P"), I meant that in his mind he has that show biz producer bent. Albeit, in a cartoonish, carnival huckster way. But, that's his mentality. And, truth be told, he does seem to have a great skill at marketing, judging what people want to hear, doling out just enough to keep people hooked. What I meant was that he thinks and acts in terms of how "this show is performing", not in terms of "how I can maturely govern the country".

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That last sentence is the absolute truth!

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The convention is in a month, isn’t it? Has to announce by then. Otherwise, there’s way too much other news rather than speculating on that.

Whoever it is I think it’s going to be a detriment because I don’t think the veep is going to get the deference for the crazy that Trump gets. They might be forced to answer questions about sharks and toilets that don’t flush and who won the presidential election in 2020.

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Wonder if Trump can find someone with a better favorability rating than the current VP (-14.7 per RCP today).

I see the cause of the uneasiness….

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I wish we could just ignore Donald Trump completely.

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Zero chance he picks someone with his exact same first name such as the wise old Donald Duck.

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I am a HUGE Donald Duck fan. He would never agree to serve with Trump. Having said that I do think there is a little similarity. When I talk to my family in Donald Duck’s voice they often don’t have a clue as to what I’m saying. The same can be said for almost every time Trump opens his mouth.

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It's all about providing easy content for last journalism. If it is journalism at all.

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When is the last time Trump said something..anything..of substance? The guys is a walking, talking, wind chime, blowing in the wind and making random noise.

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I think DJT has figured out most people do not take what he says seriously, just as most people do not even listen to what he says. He thinks of it as a virtue, as opposed to a character flaw.

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I’m pretty sure there was a day months ago where Trump said he actually had picked the VP already. It didn’t get a lot of play in the media and we’ve now forgotten that he said it.

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Correct. He just says stuff!

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But……just because he said it….. we must all be mindful that he is two steps ahead of himself and one step behind the emotional development of a 5 year old and while most of us are satisfied playing 2 dimensional chess, we are repeatedly outflanked by his one dimensional checker play.

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