
Has America *fundamentally* changed?

A conversation with The Bulwark's Jonathan V. Last

The central question of our moment goes like this: Does Donald Trump’s rise and success signal that American culture — who we are and who we want to be — has shifted in a decisive way? Or not?

As in: When Trump passes on — from office and from life — does the rubber band snap back to what normal looked like a decade ago? Or is American life more like that sweater you have that your brother with a giant head tried to squeeze into and now the collar is forever misshapen?

It’s an unanswerable question at the moment. But I think it’s a critically important one to think hard about.

That what

(aka JVL) and I did for the better part of an hour today. Our conversation started on pro wrestling veered into “normie” expectations for how Trump will govern and ended on, well, pro wrestling.

JVL is my favorite thinker and writer operating in the political space right now. I don’t always agree with everything he thinks but I admire the WAY he thinks — and writes.

And he also makes ME think — assessing and re-assessing why I have drawn conclusions I have drawn. This conversation was no exception.

Thank you

, , , , , and many others for tuning in. We had more than 4,000 people watching live! The power of JVL!

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