My kids attended a Catholic school from Pre-k through middle school, their classrooms didn’t display the 10 Commandments like this law requires. I firmly believe that the members of the legislature and execute branch who write, pass and sign blatantly unconstitutional bills should be personally responsible for the legal fight that occurs after the passage of this kind of garbage.

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I consider myself a devout Christian, in church every week and active in the church's activities. I firmly believe in the separation of church and state and I firmly oppose this crazy new law in Louisiana. The governor and legislature of Louisiana seem determined to show off their "faith," while doing far less for the education of their children and spewing hatred for their perceived enemies. What's wrong with this picture, my fellow Christians should be asking!

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This is SO clearly a violation of separation of church and state. For one thing, WHICH version? (And those who don't know that it appears twice in the Bible and that Jews, Catholics, and Protestants have differering ways to enumerate them should understand the government has NO business choosing among them.)

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Interesting that one of the states that Trump won in 2020 will (probably) be supporting the same candidate that broke almost all the 10 Commandments. Says a lot on the State of the Union these days....

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True and even more ironic in that, should Trump win and the law stands, the kids will have the ten commandments and a picture of the president who has broken nearly all of them next to each other on the wall. It would be funny if it wasn't so disgusting.

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Your visual made me chuckle (with some tears in my eyes as well). And maybe a Trump Bible on the shelf next to the revisionist history books?

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Why stop at 10? If these people EVER actually read their Bible they would see that (in Exodus, not the list in Deuteronomy which is another issue all together) but in Exodus we have the 10 words, and then after a few verses, God continues giving laws--concerning kidnaping, selling your daughter killing socerers, giving the firstborn of your sons to God. "You shall not oppress a resident alien." Are these going to be included?

Didn't think so!

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I am NOT confident that the current U.S. Supreme Court would strike down this law on the basis of "Separation of Church and State".

[Sidebar: I'm sure Donald Trump will loudly voice his approval of this law, but then, which of the Ten Commandments hasn't he violated?]

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I find it unbelievably offensive that Louisiana 'hath decreed' that the Commandments be posted when their own "high priest--who actually thinks he's their god and has been "chosen"" has broken every one of them. What kind of role model do they think he would be for their kids????

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This is disgusting and unbelievable. SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.

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Why, oh why can't the 'christians-in-name-only' keep their religion personal? Why must they indoctrinate EVERYBODY'S kids just because of their belief system?

Even more importantly, why should my tax dollars go toward any so-called Christian indoctrination materials, if the same amount doesn't also go to Judaism, Islam, Mormonism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Baha'i, Wicca, the many indigenous religions or any of the other, roughly, several hundred other religions that are practiced in this nation.

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It would be interesting to know how many legislators who voted for this new law can recite the Ten Commandments.

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The goal is to get the law in front of THIS Supreme Court, which Christian nationalists view as being very friendly to their perspective. And, they may be right.

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Given the many times that the 10 commandments are broken by adults, how is listing them in school a deterrent for children? It's another attempt at "my religion is supreme over your beliefs." In another post in newspaper, a Jewish man said when he was a boy in Queens NY public school was told he should pray the Christian prayer that others were praying in class as it was required when he attended scool. This included bowing his head. He didn't. Teacher held his head down during the prayer. Horrible.

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I think the 10 commandments are the basis for many of the legal systems that arose in western cultures. They should be acknowledged and perhaps studied for their significance. HOWEVER, mandating that they be displayed in every classroom is nothing Christians really want. Imagine the outrage if verse from the Koran or Hindu Vedic texts were mandated. They would go ballistic. I am a Christian and I don't want my religion to be mandated. "Faith" that is mandated is not faith, but rather, "Coercion."

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While the unconstitutionality of this wends its way through the courts and/or other Republican governed states replicate this law, imagine Louisiana teachers using the posters in their classrooms, say with current events. “Bearing false witness is today’s lesson. Did anyone notice any false statements in last night’s news?” Or “coveting your neighbor’s goods. Let’s discuss if corporate use of eminent domain violates that commandment.” This could be very rich, educationally.

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The Football Coach case is distinguishable. The notion advancing in that case was the prayer was private/voluntary as opposed to State action. If this law is upheld,the principle of separation of church& state will be extinguished .On a related note,the right wing assault on the law includes using freedom of religion as a license for bigotry: eg, "we don't have to bake cakes for gay weddings." That type of argument for legalized bigotry&this law are based ridiculous fictions of the Old Testament. ( Note Landry talking about Moses getting law handed done by God.) You'd think in this supposedly enlightened age we'd be moving further from fables used to keep ancient people in line. But it sure appears the right wing in this country want to turn the clock back way before the 1950s.

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Well, at least little Jimmy will have something to read while he eats his paste and covers his neighbors pink pearl eraser.

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covets, not covers...geesh spellchecker

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The 10 Commandments are part of our Western heritage and the Judeo-Christian tradition. An educated American should be aware of these commandments and be able to recite most if not all of them. Indoctrination or Bible instruction (unless done neutrally) violate the separation of church and state, but merely posting doesn't IMO although clearly my view is in the minority on this page.

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