During his abdication speech from the Oval Office, I was inspired by Joe Biden’s words, but the presentation brought to mind Robin Williams’s last performances. Empathy is the word I would describe for my emotion, watching someone do a job that they obviously love, but also understanding they are no longer physically capable of doing. It’s the tragedy waiting for every one of us, universal for all people, all skin colors, all beliefs, rich and poor. And it that sense, it was universally inspiring to witness a human being operating at a lower mechanical capacity than their spirit is pushing them to go, to feel they are pointing towards a distant shore they will never see. The emotion then became awe with gratitude.

Joe Biden, while not perfect, is an 🇺🇸American hero.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25

I teared up at his words. This is a good and moral man who has done good things for this country. His character and heart are indisputable. With that, it’s clear that the time is here for him to pass the torch. I wish it had been his idea.

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I agree with you, Chris. It was heartbreaking for me as it was tough to see and hear. He aged and it’s time to pass the torch, despite how much I like him, it is time. It should have happened sooner, much sooner but it didn’t. The delivery was just tough but the words were powerful. My late father was 87 when he passed last year, my dad sounded more robust many times, but spoke more often like Biden. No escaping age for any of us.

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I thought the speech was appropriate. I agree with you that the content was good. The message was good, and maybe the delivery was just a good reminder of why we’re going through this moment in history.

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The president's speech last evening was uplifting. He eloquently addressed the nation and conveyed a sense of hope and unity. His words resonated with me and left me feeling both sad yet confident about the future. We should all be thanking him for his 50+ years of service, for always putting his country first and move on from commenting on his age and frailty. He has done his job. He did the right thing, it’s time to focus on a positive future, securing his legacy and doing everything we can to stop Trump!

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I deeply respect Joe Biden. His address to the country was very likely the hardest he has ever given. Never an orator, Joe gave it his all. And he demonstrated that country comes before the individual. Meanwhile in Charlotte Dumpty said that Kamala wants to get rid of cows and then people. If a grave error has been committed in choosing a candidate the Republicans have committed it.

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The Republicans are saddled with an addled 78-year old psychopath who likes to talk about sharks, cows, Hannibal Lector who is a fictional character, and finally something of relevance that he likes dictators!!! VOTE ALL BLUE!!!

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I, too, teared up while listening to him. Though, I'm an empath and turning 65 next month (Medicare, here I come!), so maybe that has something to do with my emotions. He was basically laid off, or asked to resign, so to speak. I was laid off at 61 years old, four years ago this week, and I still tear up thinking about it. I can't imagine going in front of the nation less than a week after I was laid off (asked to resign), to give even a coherent speech. It took guts and I thank him for that.

In fact, last night I went to whitehouse.gov and sent him a thank you note for all that he has done for America. For me personally, his Administration made it possible for having COBRA paid for, for six months, upping the unemployment weekly amount and strengthening the ACA, which made it possible for me to survive until I found work nine months later.

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Chris, I wouldn't be here if I didn't value your insights and thoughts. To my mind, you are the sharpest critical thinker on our politics. With that said, I really wonder what part of his speech you have mixed feelings about.

Everything you said for the last months about him is true.

The fear that Democrats had with him as the nominee was accurate.

Your thoughts on how long he was going to last was spot-on.

All politicians have huge egos. You can't do what they do without having an outsized self importance.

He's really declined, most evident in the last few months.

He delivered the speech like an old guy who is fading fast.

I listened to it first, then watched him later. It sounded better than it looked.

Predictably the MAGA folks are tearing it apart. There are tons of calls for him to step aside. Let it never be said that the MAGA crew is smart, because that would elevate Kamala to president, the last thing they should want if they want to win.

I'm just not sure what you are mixed about. Joe wanted to say something.

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It was very presidential and moving

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As always I agree with your insight. The words and sentiment were great, the delivery was lackluster (for all the reasons you stated).

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Thanks, Colleen.

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He did pass the torch - because he is a patriot - and because he knows we are an Ableist society. I am a 62yo physician who teaches for a living. I obviously have not examined Joe Biden, but I have talked to a lot of people with cognitive impairment. I don't see that in Biden.

I am in favor of him leaving only because I think about the next four years. Time will eventually get all of us. Four years is probably too long for him.

I am outraged at the Republicans who are now trying to say that he is currently unfit for office - and to try to pin that on Harris

He has a stutter - a lifelong disability. He just had COVID. And he doesn't have a forceful voice, which has gotten quieter with age. I thought his words in this speech were perfectly understandable, though a little garbled. I distinguish this from his debate performance, which alarmed me. I thought he was so outraged by Trump's torrent of nonsense that he was temporarily rendered speechless. He was sputtering, but with speech that I described above.

I acknowledge, but also dislike that we seem to want a projection of strength more than wisdom, loudness over sense, impetuous action over considered moves. And that we equate a stutter with a lack of intelligence and age with infirmity.

This has been an outstanding Presidency. I'm glad he will be there working for us for another few months.

And I don't trust the big media moguls, nor those looking for an "exciting" race, to tell us what the right thing to do is - for our country or for our own wellbeing. This election is much more important than the horserace they crave for their ratings.

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I loved the speech. Yes, I agree his voice not great, and he tailed off at end of some thoughts, but I do think it was a sincere speech of someone slowly saying goodbye to a long life of public service. I am also glad he is not the nominee, but I applaud him for what he has accomplished

It is my hope that democrats learn from this.., have real primaries! Nothing vets a candidate more than an actual primary. I will vote for Harris, but I do not like the fact she is being “coronated “ by the party

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Chris - understand your challenge. I, purposely, decided before the speech to only focus on what was said, and not how he was saying it. I expected he would stumble over words, mumble a little, etc., and did not want to miss the meaning of what he was saying if I got caught up in the delivery. At the end, I felt the speech was very good. Then when looking at the clips again, it does appear, like Trump, America may have dodged a bullet. This is also supported by how, at least so far, America is rallying around its shiny new toy, Kamala Harris.

I sense history will judge Joe Biden very, very highly overall, including this selfless decision (the “forcing” you reference will fade over time). Nevertheless, America was demanding something new - now that they got their wish, it will be important they truly support their new candidate across the finish line.

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I agree the delivery was subdued. I noted that i was very ok with that, less anxious even, given that the man did the right thing by his party and his country. I believe history will honour his legacy and he will stand out as one of the great presidents

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This was a heartfelt speech from a man with integrity and great moral character. There were moments I did hold my breath when I felt him struggle. I really felt he wanted EVERYONE to hear him no matter where you fall on the political spectrum. I hate the fact that now, after he did what people have been saying he should do since the debate, he's getting slammed for how he did it! What the heck? He had to make a no win decision for himself that was for the better of the country. Trump should do the same.

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I was disappointed that he didn’t give Kamala Harris a bigger boost. She was totally loyal to him during this entire ordeal. She spoke to the media right after the debate and strongly defended him. His delay in stepping down has put her in a super challenging position. If he truly thinks democracy is on the line in this election, I think he could have spent more time explaining why he thinks she is the right person for the job.

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That will come. This wasn't the moment. IMHO

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Maybe but seems like a missed opportunity.

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