How can DonOLD possibly be considered a vehicle of change? He has been a bobblehead of anger and discontent for the last 9 years in politics, and on tabloid covers for years before that...we cannot view or read the news for 5 straight minutes without his face scowling back at us. I am exhausted from his constant exposure in the media. He

does not signify change...he is "The Thing" that won't go away. He has my full permission to go home.

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Bobblehead of anger and discontent - ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🤣🤣🤣

But seriously, I totally agree 👍

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Chris, after complaining so often of Harris not doing interviews what do you think of the strategy of a blitz now, near the end, when there is so much pent up interest and excitement in the interviews.

Seems like it was a smart strategy.

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Didn’t have time to listen to the video. So I’m just putting in a comment kind of blind. Trump is trying to say the wants a change from the current administration (which by most measures has been very successful). Harris is saying she would be a change from a return to the chaos of the previous trump presidency. I think her message is resonating more because we all remember how awful that was.

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And it doesn't hurt that Trump is out there now on an almost daily basis reminding us just how awful.

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That Florida number made me go "whoa." I know the Times is insisting it's not an outlier, but outliers are good, it shows the polling works.

To me, I'm more interested in what Nate Cohn keeps writing about, which is Republicans electoral college advantage fading.

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Excellent E.C. news!👍

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Chris People want to turn the page from Trump

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Biden’s actual record, which is excellent, compared to his popularity indicates to me if the Rock or Jon Cena were the candidate with zero experience or policy credibility, they’d still get high favorably ratings. America of Hollywood, John Wayne, Marvel and Alpha everything.

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I have to wonder if Biden's low ratings are a symptom of the post-truth society we now seem to be living in, a direct result of the 'flooding the zone with shit' strategy employed by Trump, his allies, and malicious foreign actors. Sad that it seems to have been so effective.

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OK, let's face an outspoken fact in all of this: a truly HUGE (YUGE?) issue that isn't mentioned is abortion. And, given the direction the Supreme Court and GOPers in legislative bodies have taken this issue, Harris is, indeed, a very major change issue. No administration is really going to have much impact on ending the wars and, truth be told, the immigration situation. Abortion is a different story altogether and, there, Harris is the "change" candidate.

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I've complained here before about why I object to the "right track/wrong track" question. But if you're correct, for people whom reproductive rights is a key issue, we are very definitely on the wrong track.

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In response to the change issue Chris, I agree with the comment just above me by the Doctor. We know the Biden policies are not popular but that is anomalous. Things are really pretty good, but the narrative of anti Biden has taken hold. The change people want is a change from Trump crazy. Her message we can leave that behind and people independent people are saying yes. She has distanced herself enough from Biden while still staying loyal. I think it’s working

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I was wondering if the "change" voters want is not the sort of change that Trump suggests. Trump suggests that tariffs are the solution to everything: the economy, child care, even curbing immigration. Maybe voters aren't buying that.

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We should remember that the bias Republicans have built into the US Supreme Court is also interpreted by 80 million Americans that the US is on the wrong track. Trump is an existential threat to at least a third of the country at this point. Biden’s inability to address the Trump threat may be the reason he had to step down. Harris clear ability to deal with Trump, shown on the debate stage in spades, likely has helped her popularity numbers.

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I was trying to read an article the other day and a YouGov survey popped up, asking the right/wrong track question, and refusing to let me continue unless I answered. I abandoned the article because I absolutely hate that loaded question, especially when the choices are right/wrong/don't know. Without knowing why a respondent chooses their answer, how can anything of value be gleaned from such a survey?

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To clarify, I'm not discounting your comment. I tend to agree, but it just reminded me of that ridiculous survey.

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You make a great point. There are no polling standards and a bunch of weaponized polling behavior.

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Chris: your use of the word unpredictable in lieu of bat-shit crazy is admirable. But we know he is truly evil with no regard for the humans he wants to own. Yes, his zero sum approach to all aspects of life would make him the winner and everyone else the losers who need to be told by him what to do because we are not capable of deciding that. I do pray whenever I think of it that he never makes it to 1600 Pennsylvania again. Unfortunately he will continue to foment violence and civil unrest and inflame the white supremacy movement. And assuredly will continue to romance the evil dictators of the world.

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While I don’t expect you or any other “journalist “ to be a homer for any candidate, if I continue to read items and comments that defy sensibility, I will block you.

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Great article today in the DC Free Beacon by Stiles & Ramersad, Harris Flustered, Out of Her Depth on 60 Minutes.

Looking for Chris’ line by line analysis! I know there are very few opportunities to actually see what she says and I’m positive Chris will do a bang up job!

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The “wrong track” index is of questionable meaning in this election.

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>They usually employ a methodological choice called “weighting on recall vote” and we do not.

I would love an explainer on this, Chris. (Not to give you more work.) I tried to read a piece in the NYT about it, but they get way too into the weeds.

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Whoa boy! All the non answers on VP Harris 60 Minutes interview! Wacky stuff, eh Chris?!?

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Better than lying or complaining about fact checking. The non answer is the answer. You seem to have understood it perfectly. You do not give a sound bite that will bite you.

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Why wasn't Trump on 60 Minutes?

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Because of the liberal bias, cmon man that’s EZ!

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Or.....fear of the fact check.

Cmon man that's EZ!

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"No fact checking!" = "I want to be able to lie with impunity!"

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That does not explain why he agreed to go on 60 minutes, then backed out at the last minute.

He was the one charging Harris with being unable to do interviews, or too scared to do interviews, well......he now looks like he is either unable to do a real interview, or too scared

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Can’t wait to see Chris go through the transcript of this train wreck!

Whoa boy!

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