Sadly, I think all the pressure is on Kamala. We all know who Trump is. You are either enthusiastically voting for him or defiantly voting against him. The few undecided voters (who are these people?) also know who Trump is, but may just be looking for a reason to vote for someone else. I think she'll rise to the occasion. The debate may only swing the polls a point or two, but that could be the difference in a close race.

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Republicans are accusing Haitians of eating cats to incite violence against immigrants, Donald Trump wants to kill me for donating to Harris, but hey, we have a debate to watch. lol

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And if you have kids going off to school, be careful of them getting gender-changing surgery right in their classrooms.

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Exactly. Republicans are nuts. What’s also crazy is the number of intelligent Republicans and corporate business owners are all supporting the crazy rhetoric for tax cuts. It won’t end well. Time to invest in Glock stocks though lol

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I live in the Bahamas. Haitians eating cats is an actual thing. As immigrants, they are not the easiest group to assimilate; we've had kind of a mixed bag with it. But one thing I will say is if they really did sent 10,000+ to one county in Ohio, that is NOT the way to go about it.

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Trunp’s followers are as unhinged as he is. This is a great example. They hate immigrants in a nation of immigrants lol.

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Illegal immigrants, those that break the law entering our great county! Is that really that hard to imagine??

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Doesn’t the country belong to the native Americans or the British? Republicans writing their own rules about what is and isn’t an illegal immigrant based on skin color and prejudice is worth fighting against. So let’s do that.

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Some born in the USA folks have eaten people. Should USA folks be banned from migration and traveling the world? For every example of the "other" doing something here in this country, there is more than one example of USA person doing the same thing or worse. History (ancient and current) has plenty of examples that when using "other" as the means to rile up people to attack the "other" people, the regime starting this 'riling up of people' does fail. But much bloodshed happens before then. Yup, no one learned a lesson from WWll. It starting again.


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Getting back to Chris’ vibes comment, it’s as if this debate is between Lincoln and Jefferson Davis before the civil war. The leaders represent half the nation each and they hate each other. Interpretation of the debate is inevitably going to be partisan. Politics should be a means through which differences are debated and agreed upon. This isn’t that. It’s a prelude to a civil war. which begins by handing the power of the Federal Government to one of the sides and suspending the US Constitution. A conflict with no rules basically. A brawl. That said, red state and blue state governments will intervene in my opinion to protect its citizens. But it’s nuts that we’ve seen this moment coming for a decade and nothing has stopped it. It’s inevitable perhaps. What happens.to democracies when they are equally divided.

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I don’t usually watch debates because, as Chris said, they’re generally just performative. But I will be watching this one just to (hopefully) witness the Trump implosion.

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Complete blindness and inability to see through lie after lie after lie on YOUR part, @dutchmaga?

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If one goes by the Charles Krauthammer definition, then yes.

Per Wikipedia:

Krauthammer, in an op-ed harshly criticizing Trump, commented that—in addition to general hysteria about Trump—the "Trump Derangement Syndrome" was the "inability to distinguish between legitimate policy differences and ... signs of psychic pathology" in his behavior.

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One frustrating thing about recent debates is visible lack of respect between the candidates, aka no greeting plus no handshake. Assuming that will hold true tonight, I think Kamala should initiate a handshake to try to set a respectful tone. It would be interesting to see how DJT reacts.

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I like that idea! Trump shows us every day how disrespectful he is...if she did that it would be a win!

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Largely agree but what about that moment in 1976 when Ford said Eastern Europe wasn't under Soviet domination? It was a blunder but it was about foreign policy, not "vibes."

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If past is prologue, all Kamala has to do is open up the mic for DonOld and let him spew. The green Linda Blair fluid that emanates from his brain to his voice box should be enough to seal the deal.

My only concern is that in his last debate, DonOld was smart enough to shut up and let Joe kill his own candidacy.

Can Donnie be smart again? My guess is that in the actual presence of a strong black woman, he won't be able to contain his disgust at having to lower himself to dealing with one of "them".

But we never know. Which is a truly sad commentary on the state of affairs that the potential next president of the United States is totally unpredictable.

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I'm not usually a "bash the media" person, but, yes, the focus on the performative aspects and trivialities—the sighs, the quips, the watch-checking, the five o'clock shadow—are one reason why American politics is so silly and so broken. And those inevitably are the kind of things the news media talks about afterward. I'm a partisan, not an average voter, but I really hope voters have bigger things on their minds. But the problem is, how much policy can you really talk about in 90 seconds?

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I think Kamala Harris has done enough debates in her political history to know what to do. Trump knows what to do too, but the question is, will he be challenged on it.

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I agree! I will be watching to see how Kamala handles Trump & his lies. Trump will probably keep his crazy talk to a minimum because he's not in front of a live audience so she has to be ready for that too. I am hoping she stays cool headed but also doesn't ignore his lies.

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I doubt many folks don’t get that it’s the “vibe’ thing. Harris needs to look presidential, obviously.

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I largely agree with Chris. It will be about the vibes. MSM has been going nuts since Sunday about the "high stakes" in this debate. Yeah, maybe. But the high stakes are, I suspect, for Trump. Vice-president Harris will be the happy warrior prosecutor, and I won't be surprised if she does some serious "prosecuting" of the already-convicted Trump. But can Trump maintain his cool? Heck, of course not. The only question is to what degree does Trump blow up. A bit? A lot? And will VP Harris call Trump on some of his lies? A bit? A lot? We'll find out.

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VP Harris speaks like the 1980s Rat song, Round & Round! Should be so much fun tonight!!

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And Trump can’t string 3 sentences together into a coherent thought to save his life. Talk about cognitively impaired! He should be headed to the retirement house and forget about the White House.

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Excellent description of the coming debate! Thanks!

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I actually think it’s going to be crazier than this thread lol. We are in a dystopian novel already.

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Hello VP Harris, so nice to see you! I’m glad the American people can finally hear what you have to say!

Why haven’t you done that?

Why haven’t you don’t that?

Why haven’t you done that?

All President Trump has to say and do tonight!

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Chris this column is tour sweet spot excellent Outstanding job

I know you have limited space but two of my favorites are from Reagan, "There you go again" and his comments about Mondales age That one may be the all time classic How do you top that

While it isn't a debate thing one of Kennedy's great lines was when He and Jackie were in Europe and he said something like "I am the man who escorted Mrs Kennedy"

During his election he said to Mort Sahl, the social satirist, "You're a very funny man I heard you do a joke the other night where you said my father told me not to buy one more vote than absolutely necessary. How much money do you think my family has?" Sahl responded "I have read 200-300 million" Kennedy said "Do you think that's money?" Sahl said "Yes" Kennedy responded " The 5 Rockefeller brothers are worth 5 Billion dollars Now that's money!!"

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Once again,sadly, I think you are correct Chris

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Love your commentary...so accessible...but the crazy first Biden/Trump debate in 2020 was VERY memorable...it was a complete Sh_ _ Show!

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