As long as the black woman didn't win, nothing else matters. I don't even think that many of them would admit their hidden bias. I guarantee that if you asked, 75% of them would swear they aren't racist, heck they have two BLACK friends! It is so hidden. I'm thinking that a black women is the biggest threat to many men, including many black and Hispanic men.
As long as the black woman didn't win, nothing else matters. I don't even think that many of them would admit their hidden bias. I guarantee that if you asked, 75% of them would swear they aren't racist, heck they have two BLACK friends! It is so hidden. I'm thinking that a black women is the biggest threat to many men, including many black and Hispanic men.
As long as the black woman didn't win, nothing else matters. I don't even think that many of them would admit their hidden bias. I guarantee that if you asked, 75% of them would swear they aren't racist, heck they have two BLACK friends! It is so hidden. I'm thinking that a black women is the biggest threat to many men, including many black and Hispanic men.
Especially when the black woman is in a "mixed" marriage with a white guy who is also Jewish.
Oy, how could I forget that part. Oh no, a Jew in the White House, no, not happening. The only thing worse would be a gay Jewish black trans woman!
DEI training anyone???? Trump singling out “unconscious bias” training pretty much says it all…….