β€œTrumpflation” - we should all repeat this word constantly. Saddle him with rising prices. Associate him with rising prices.




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I've already been using it.

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price of oil, gasoline, and diesel up 3 to 5% today

my prediction - we start importing oil from Russia

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Just paid 2.69 a gallon!



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You are lying.

Price of oil decreased today

National Average Price of Gas remained the same today

National Average Price of Diesel decreased slightly today

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Sociologists and historians are going to have a field day in the upcoming years writing books and teaching courses on how the USA absolutely lost its mind and took the wrong turn on the "Yellow Brick Road" and followed an absolutely disturbed and deranged sociopath to financial destruction.

Our world will not be recognizable in 12 months.

All of it, very bit of it, is going to undo the American experiment.

It is so much at once. Project 2025 not only lives, it is being fully implemented right before our eyes.

The FBI crap, the USAID crap, the hijacking of the Treasury Department payment systems, the FAA crap, the anti-DEI crap, the Justice Department purge, Tulsi Gabbard, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, the Pompeo/Bolton/Fauci crap, the demonization of The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the ICE raids almost exclusively at WORKPLACES, declaring all-out economic war on our greatest trading partners and leaving our real enemies untouched..just 2 weeks in.

It's unthinkable. And yet, somehow a significant portion of Americans are still enthusiastic and support the chaos.

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Your last paragraph is most important. The Americans who voted for cheaper eggs? Turns out now they never cared about the price of eggs! They were just bigots looking for an excuse to vote for the Felon. So those 70 million bigots will still support him no matter what he does, or doesn't do.

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As long as the black woman didn't win, nothing else matters. I don't even think that many of them would admit their hidden bias. I guarantee that if you asked, 75% of them would swear they aren't racist, heck they have two BLACK friends! It is so hidden. I'm thinking that a black women is the biggest threat to many men, including many black and Hispanic men.

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Especially when the black woman is in a "mixed" marriage with a white guy who is also Jewish.

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Oy, how could I forget that part. Oh no, a Jew in the White House, no, not happening. The only thing worse would be a gay Jewish black trans woman!

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DEI training anyone???? Trump singling out β€œunconscious bias” training pretty much says it all…….

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If you can stand wading in the open sewer of X, the MAGAts are CHEERING this. They think this will simpy affect avocados and maple syrup. As Chris notes, they don't have a clue.

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Suffering? Musk has never suffered in his entire selfish life. He has no idea what it is going to be like for most families. And, he won’t even say what the β€œworth it β€œ is.

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In the future- try reading the Rise & Fall of the Third Reich- verbiage MGGA

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I have a LOT of family and friends in Canada. To say that they are furious about this is a gross understatement. And, it's not restricted to either side of the political spectrum--people on both the political left and political right are very angry. Personally, I don't get what Trump is doing at all. Ostensibly, the reason is that he is worried about "migrants" and fentanyl crossing the border. The American government's own statistics show that the amount of fentanyl crossing the border from Canada is negligible (in fact, I believe that more goes the other way). And, Canada has increased its border security at the cost of $1.3 billion, according to the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation). So, Trump's reasoning is at best flawed and at worst just completely wrong.

Ultimately, we are fracturing the relationship with one of our closest allies and geographic neighbor. I suspect that we will look back at this decision and greatly regret it.

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The answer is so simple and obvious that you are going to slap your head and scream, " I shoulda thought of that!"

You are looking for obvious, logical, rational answers. You can't do that with this coward.

Trump is doing what he has done for the last 50+ years. BTW, doing it very well.

Everyone is talking about him. Books will be written about this. He'll go down in history for this. It doesn't matter to his tiny infected lizard brain what he is going to be noticed for. The rotten kid from Queens is getting worldwide attention. The WORLD is hanging on his every word. He has the entire world in his hands, and he is absolutely loving every second of it.

He is happier than a pig in shit. Actually, well, he is the pig. He's loving all of this attention.

Remember those TV commercials "When EF Hutton talks..everyone listens"? He's got everyone talking about him. It doesn't even matter to him that half of the attention is negative. It's the Trump Show, 24/7/365! Sleepy Joe never came close.

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Canadian here. Furious is a mild way to put it. You know it's bad when you get a crowd of Raptors fans in Toronto booing during the US national anthem. Trudeau gave a terrific speech on Saturday, much of it aimed at Americans. If anyone is interested, this is the link: https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/9.6632060

We've had cabinet ministers down in DC for the past two weeks meeting with US officials and showing them the actual facts about Fentanyl and illegal migrants but Trump has refused to see them. His Orangeness is supposed to speak with Trudeau this afternoon but no one expects anything to change. We can't fix what he perceives (or invents) are the problems with the border because it ain't broke in the first place.

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Canadians _should_ be furious. Glad to hear Trudeau's strong words. Canada must stand up to this bully, as do Denmark, Mexico etc.

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And today, the Tangerine Tornado announced that he is "pausing" the tariffs for 30 days, after a "productive" conversation with Canadian PM Trudeau. Near as I can tell, all Trudeau agreed to do was something that Canada had already begun to do months ago. My suspicion is that the Orange One was not ready for the blowback against his announcement and the markets tanking today, and he was looking for a way out. Trudeau was kind enough to give him one.

P.S. Should have written that I an an ex-pat Canadian, though I have lived in the U.S. for over 30 years.

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Deal completed!

Breath ez my friend!

Lots more winning ahead!


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we all understand fentanyl is bad - it is also very difficult to control. Because of the purity, it can be shipped in very small amounts and transported easily through legal ports of entry. In fact, a primary means of entry is through the postal service. The estimated total amount entering the country is in effect equivalent two semi-trailer loads per year, yielding millions of doses as it is cut.

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We have DECADES of proof that trying to restrict supply of drugs is a FAILED strategy.

It has never worked and never will work.

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Have you ever, in all this time of failure, seen the border locked down with our military assisting border patrol and now 10,000 Mexican police on the other side? Perhaps you will see a noticeable difference with these new sets of circumstances. Certainly a 180 from the JB administration! Get used to winning….

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Joe Biden got Mexico to send 10,000 troops to the border in 2021 without threatening a trade war. I'm sure the information is out there.

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Most illicit drugs enter thru ports of entry hidden in trucks and cars. But yeah, soldiers at the border will stop them. πŸ™„

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Soldiers will definitely stop the illegals from entering. So much better than doing nothing like JB!

Deals made with both Mexico & Canada! Art of the Deal!

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Of the bad deal.

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I am really tired of you lying about President Biden. The facts have been pointed out to you over and over and yet you persist, it is lying or an issue with dealing with facts?

Soldiers at the border is just a show for the gullible. Border crossings when djt entered office were at a lower pace than when he left office when migrants were sheltering in place and not coming to our southern border. Yet you think we were being invaded by unarmed families with children. And, the MAJORITY of undocumented inside the US all came here legally and just stay illegally after their VISA expired. Soldiers will not be addressing that largest hole in our migration system,. But by all means, enjoy the show!

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And, you know what? If djt actually cared about reducing undocumented migrant numbers at the southern border, do you know what he would have done? Support that gop senate border security bill, which had put money and resources to real programs to do exactly that. It had almost all the gop demands around the border included in it, but, he had it killed because he wanted the issue to campaign on.

Instead, he now pretends his concern for border security is his reason for threatning damaging to the US tariffs on our closest ally and our three top trading partners. Not to mention the crossing number have been the lowest since before he left office, during a pandemic when most migrants were sheltering in place and not traveling to the border...

I got news for you, he didn't temporarily suspend the tariffs because he got some good deal with troops moved there or whatever, it was because every representative and Senator was deluged with complaints about the tariffs raising consumer costs, and, the dow plunged, which he knows shows dislike in his tariffs threats, so he caved. He didn't get any real deal, he got a show, period. The other countries pacified him with some show of moving troops around.

And he still has not made the borders more secure like that senate bill would have

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And, again, any deal made with a bully (djt) is not worth spit. Every country knows that. Appeasing the bully is all they are doing. But, go ahead, enjoy the show!

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You are so gullible.

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Chris - you say "Here’s the thing: The VAST majority of people in this country have NO idea what a tariff is or does." You might add that Donald Trump has little understand what a tariff is or does, except as a weapon to deploy against other countries,

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Apparently it put 10,000 Mexican troops on our southern border! MAGA

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Dutch, I pray that we are not watching our democracy fail and a dictator rise. A dictatorship militarily takes away freedoms like freedom of speech and then continues to become richer as the rest of the country gets poorer and sicker. Then what? I truly pray this is not in our future.

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When your friends and neighbors publicly call you a self-interested A hole you probably are one (the real meaning of booing our anthem). With that said, if Canada takes their people's anger and finally stands up to Trump like none of our politicians will, they will be doing us a favor of exposing this incompetent economic bully -- we need someone to! Chris is trying.

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Looking at those Gallup results, I’m again reminded of the fact that a large percentage of Americans have no f***ing idea what they are talking about. These low information consumers are easily distracted by the shiny object of the day, if they even notice that much.

I know these people personally. To quote one, β€œIts hard to know what to believe.”, but if they get any information it comes via Fox or equivalent. They have little curiosity for boring stuff like policy, but they already have thoroughly analyzed their brackets for March Madness.

Of course, sometimes they notice. In 2008, for example, they noticed that the economy had been crashed, but they forgot by 2010.

Perhaps humanity has always been like this. My question is, can we get their attention this time? And, is it too late?

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How much pain will he put up with? Not an ounce. No pain for him and his ka-billionaire buddies. His Kool-aid drinking followers? Well, that remains to be seen. His GOP toadie Congress people? Depends on how much their constituents tolerate.

And I wonder this. If the pain gets too bad for the masses, will they protest? Will there be marches at grocery stores or gas stations? If so, how long before he turns the military on them?

Trump is where he is today because of continuous β€œfailures of imagination” as to what he would actually do. Now with Musk running the Treasury department, we need to expand our ability to imagine.

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Feb 3Edited

I never doubted that Trump would do the stupid things he said he was going to do.

His tariff gambit is as stupid as they come. There is NO upside, and likelihood of substantial and exponential downside for years to come.

Why is he doing this??? Best explanations I have heard are…from Paul Krugman…

β€œMy guess is that Trump is imposing steep tariffs on Canada and Mexico just to show that he can β€” that it’s essentially a dominance display. And the many people pointing out that it’s a terrible idea probably only reinforced his determination to show that he’s in charge and smarter than anyone else.”

And Kevin Drum…

β€œTrump doesn't want anything. He just want the tariffs. He's convinced they can raise vast sums of money that will let him enact tax cuts later this year, and he likes that. That's it. There's no theory of the case. There's no underlying rationale. There's no 4-D chess. He just wants the money, and he either doesn't know or doesn't care that he's raising it from Americans, not foreigners.

And why Canada, Mexico, and China? For the same reason Willie Sutton robbed banks: because that's where the money is. Those three countries account for nearly half of all US imports, so they're the ones that got held up.”

Breaking news (not surprising at all) is that β€œTrump will delay tariffs against Mexico for one month” because they kissed his ass…which is what Trump loves.

He’ll go on and crow that his superior negotiating skills led to Mexico doing what he wants, which, in the end, is either relatively inconsequential, or what he could have gotten done with usual sane presidential diplomatic behavior or most likely both.

In any event the EXTREME DAMAGE is already done.

Just the THREAT of tariffs against our closest neighbors who Trump himself β€œnegotiated” an β€œimprovement” of NAFTA (he did nothing of the sort…the tweaks were minor but gave Trump the chance to say how great he is) is in direct violation of that treaty.

A treaty that U.S. manufacturers have relied on for 30+ years to shape their strategy and investments.

Now, Trump has let the world know that the US’s word is WORTHLESS and dong any β€œdeal” with them is like doing a deal with any criminal…the gangster will change it any time he wants.

This country is fucked. For a long time to come.

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Bingo !!!

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New EO today. Sovereign Wealth Fund. Thinks he's going to direct tariff income into the fund?

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I’m shocked he can even do this to Canada and Mexico - I thought there was a trade agreement in place (NAFTA, then USMCA which HE negotiated) that prevents tariffs being applied across the board like this. As far as I know - which isn’t far - the agreement only allows additional tariffs on specific goods for national security reasons

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An β€œagreement” with Donald J Trump is no agreement at all. Never trust a liar.

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Invisible ink.

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Only the Republican House can stop Trump and they are all cowards.

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If tariffs are such a great thing, why doesn’t Trump think they should be used by Mexico and Canada?

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Trump is flying blind. Absolutely clueless.

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Because the USA is the major leagues and the others are the minors. They need us so much more than we need them.

Trump = Strength (rather you want to admit it or not)

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They don't need us, they will just go trade more with China and that will give China more power around the world. Just what you voted for, right?

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BTW, are you ready to agree with me that the airplane in DC was in its correct pattern and the helicopter was out of his area thereby causing the horrific accident?

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Dutch, no one denies it was the helicopter most likely the one in the wrong place.

Trying to place blame for that at this time without all the evidence is the madness. Much less trying to blame it on President Obama or President Biden, or on air traffic controllers, or DEI, is not only contradictory but just the wrong and irresponsible thing to do.

As I said before, there could be a hundred reasons why that military helicopter was most likely in the wrong place, none of which could be any of those reasons, and no one to "blame." Just wait for the evidence.

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73% of Canada's exports are to the USA

83% of Mexico's exports are to the USA

Canada and Mexico should be extra careful in not following USMCA (aka NAFTA 2.0)

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Hitler had strength, too, I guess. Stalin. Mussolini. Saddam Hussein.

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I'll wait to see what "deal" he makes with Canada. It takes a lot to piss off a Canadian, but Jeezus they are PISSED. I have MANY Canadian friends and they are telling me how stores and restaurants have already pulled American products from their shelves and dishes. Did you see the National Anthem booed loudly at every Canadian/American sport event in Canada? All this for what? So the man-baby can come back and say that he fixed something that wasn't broken? That what a "deal" he just made for his stupid admirers. A sucker is indeed born every minute.

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Canada cannot survive w/o big brother the USA. President Trump knows this. Apparently it escaped JB somehow…..

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You really believe that? Like I said, a sucker is born every minute.

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Is that how you operate in your personal life? Try to control everyone around you because you are stronger? I pity anyone who has to deal with you.

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Well, it took less than a day to resolve the tariff issue with Mexico. I’m a free-trader myself. Glad that crisis has been averted, at least for now.

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TrumpMusk slapped 25% tariffs on our closest allies and trading partners because he thinks that our congenial relationship will make it easy for him to extract β€œwins” from the leaders of these nations, to convince them to accept some humiliation to save their economies. Kinda like telling the drywall contractor on your hotel to β€œtake it or leave it” when you offer him 50 cents on the dollar to settle his invoice. They may take it. But they won’t like it, and we’ll have lost allies forever.

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I can afford increased goods cost, but gonna be painful for his core lower income / educated voters.

And when they complain, absolutely zero empathy.

They deserve what they get.

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Tariffs = Taxes. Trump was never a real Republican (he took a high Q rating to the place where he could get on the ballot) but it's not a very Republican approach. It's nice to see McConnell coming out against it ("will drive up the cost of everything") - it'll be nice to see if some others remember what Republicans are supposed to be about.

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Before you get all warm and fuzzy about Mitch McConnell, remember he had the power to stop all this in January 2021. He talks 'Armani', but folds like a cheap suit....

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Tariffs = 10,000 Mexican troops on our border! MAGA

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You are witnessing The Art of the Deal in real time! Mexico has already blinked!

Chris, it sounds like you are hoping things go badly (left flapping a bit).

Remember, to make an omelette you gotta crack a few eggs.

Sit back, relax, it’s all gonna be alright!

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No. Trump blinked after Mexico told him about what was going to happen with their retaliatory tariffs. Nice try to recast Trump’s latest screw-up.

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Ha ha ha ha ha ha

10,000 troops to our border for no cost to the USA. πŸ’₯

JB did nothing for 4 years, in one day President Trump has got Mexico to support his efforts on the border!

That’s called WINNING !!!!!

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Mexico and Canada each agreed to do exactly what they had agreed to under Biden, nothing more. Trump's "artful deal" was to maintain the status quo and take all the credit for himself.

The one thing that Trump does much, much better than Biden, or anyone since P.T. Barnum, is self-promotion. He loudly takes credit for everything he views as positive and loudly blames others for everything negative, regardless of whether he was even involved.

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Mexico did a lot to support our efforts at our mutual border, after the Biden administration negotiated with them to do more to stop migrants crossing their southern border. That administration accomplished that without threats and bullying, without losing the trust of our allies, without causing a crisis. And, the result was a plumneting of the numbers of migrants coming to our southern border. While these thoughtless tarrifs will cause displacement of people in Mexico by causing loss of jobs which will then result in MORE migrants coming to our border. Not to mention Mexico may decide to stop trying to help us by restricting their southern border, result, MORE migrants coming to our border!

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So it’s your belief the JB administration did good work on the southern border?

Hey, I’ve got a great deal on a slightly used bridge in NYC. Let me know if your interested

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That is not at all what I said. But, when President Biden left office, border crossingss were at a level lower than when djt left office in 2021 during a pandemic when migrants were not traveling....

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And, I bet you bought that bridge at a great price, eh?

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A mutual agreement between nations is not a screw-up.

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Yeah, β€œmutual”. Haha!!

Trump was gonna get slammed for all the price increases on Mexican goods so he β€œagreed” to a halt. He backed down pure and simple.

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You were right! Trump totally lost with Canada and Mexico today!

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83% of Mexico’s exports are to the USA. Their top export is oil…a commodity which we can produce here once the Bidenomics crazy was repealed. It was not the USA who blinked.

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"In 2022, Mexico exported $421B to United States. The main products that Mexico exported to United States were Computers ($36.8B), Cars ($34.1B), and Motor vehicles; parts and accessories (8701 to 8705) ($31.8B)."

With fruits and vegetables the next highest.


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Mutual agreements between nations are done every day, with negotiations, and diplomacy. Listening and talking.

djt just likes the quick attention and can not stand diplomacy much less the time it takes to negotiate, so he bullies his way to an "agreement." An agreement with a bully is not worth spit.

Not to mention the bad faith of our former allies who now will distrust any agreement we make.

Not to mention his proposed tarrifs broke the trade agreement he made with Mexico and Canada during his first crack as prez.

NOT to mention the Biden administration negotiated with Mexico to get them to do more to halt migrants crossing their southern border and as a result the numbers of migrants coming to our southern border plummeted.

NOT to mention when tarrifs cause displacement around the world due to rising costs of living and lack of food and jobs it will create MORE migrants coming to our borders!

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For sure! Biden and his border Czar were all over that border emergency which wasn’t an emergency. Same team who tried to have a fire sale on the wall before leaving office. Your rant is almost as if you hate America?

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I know how facts upset you. Just breathe deeply, and later go look up whatever you think I got wrong when you are feeling better.

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Fact: Deals made with both Mexico & Canada! Art of the Deal! Winning

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You stated no facts and asserted falsehoods. Gaslighting me that Biden was tough on that border is just ridiculous.

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"Sit back and relax"?.........

A spectacularly insensitive comment to those who are worried about how to pay the rent and afford the inevitable rising cost of food. At some point it's going to be difficult to untie that knot you have put yourself justifying the actions of this ridiculous man-child.

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He’s been in office 2 weeks! You are having economic difficulties bc of the past 4 years of the JB administration. Cmon man this is common cents ( he he he)

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