When your friends and neighbors publicly call you a self-interested A hole you probably are one (the real meaning of booing our anthem). With that said, if Canada takes their people's anger and finally stands up to Trump like none of our politicians will, they will be doing us a favor of exposing this incompetent economic bully -- we need someone to! Chris is trying.
When your friends and neighbors publicly call you a self-interested A hole you probably are one (the real meaning of booing our anthem). With that said, if Canada takes their people's anger and finally stands up to Trump like none of our politicians will, they will be doing us a favor of exposing this incompetent economic bully -- we need someone to! Chris is trying.
When your friends and neighbors publicly call you a self-interested A hole you probably are one (the real meaning of booing our anthem). With that said, if Canada takes their people's anger and finally stands up to Trump like none of our politicians will, they will be doing us a favor of exposing this incompetent economic bully -- we need someone to! Chris is trying.