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The answer is so simple and obvious that you are going to slap your head and scream, " I shoulda thought of that!"

You are looking for obvious, logical, rational answers. You can't do that with this coward.

Trump is doing what he has done for the last 50+ years. BTW, doing it very well.

Everyone is talking about him. Books will be written about this. He'll go down in history for this. It doesn't matter to his tiny infected lizard brain what he is going to be noticed for. The rotten kid from Queens is getting worldwide attention. The WORLD is hanging on his every word. He has the entire world in his hands, and he is absolutely loving every second of it.

He is happier than a pig in shit. Actually, well, he is the pig. He's loving all of this attention.

Remember those TV commercials "When EF Hutton talks..everyone listens"? He's got everyone talking about him. It doesn't even matter to him that half of the attention is negative. It's the Trump Show, 24/7/365! Sleepy Joe never came close.

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