"a) Donald Trump loses the Republican nomination and,

b) he bows out gracefully, throwing his endorsement behind the winner."

At what point does the American voting public get the hint that old isn't as bad as crazy-ass??

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1) I don't see any way that Trump loses the Republican Presidential nomination.

2) Regardless of whether he wins or loses against Biden, he will declare that he won and/or that he was cheated. Violence will follow.

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If Trump loses the nomination, the country is in for a world of hurt. However, I do not see him losing the nomination. Win or lose in November 2024, the country is in for some very dark days and as Trump says, “the likes of which you’ve never seen”. It sickens me to think that he has a chance to be in the Oval Office once again.

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Sorry Chris. I love a lot of what you do but too much Trump. We’re 22 months away and i already have fatigue. Talk sports, talk movies or songs just anything else

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Or how Biden's administration is doing. Debt Ceilibg debate or Ukraine etc.

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Trump would rather see Kamala Harris as president than any other Republican.

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What I take away from this poll is that some 76% of the Republicans want to see a robust Primary contest for the nomination. Let's have among all the declared and undeclared candidates before concluding that DeSantis or Trump will be the nominee

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“I think I did win the popular vote in a true sense,”

He doesn’t seem to have a good conception of the meaning of the word true. Hence, Truth Social.

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I just don't see him losing the nomination ... but if he does, that convention will be a debacle.

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