I liked you when you were "CNN's Chris Cillizza," but I like you even more as "So What's Chris Cillizza." I'm proud to be a subscriber and eager reader.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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I admire your vulnerability, and your Substack writings have changed how I perceive and think of you as a person. Thank you for writing and sharing your personal story.

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Oh Chris! Thank you This is just beautiful! And so generously shared.

A tender tale of pain and growth... things that make us hurt and evolve and move toward our highest selves.

It’s okay we’re not fully enlightened yet... what matters is family, and feeding our inner “good wolf,” with gratitude. As you have so well illustrated.

I am liking this new Chris even more than the cnn Chris (who was also a good guy.)

And I appreciate you shared how you came out of the shock of losing a job. You are undoubtedly helping others with your story.

Peace to you and yours.

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I really enjoy when you occasionally stray from politics. I read too much of it anyway.

This column hits home several ways. When my kids were young, my career in construction had its ups and downs. My kids greeted me at the door the same way if I had a wallet full of money or owed a wallet full of money.

More recently my health has had its ups and downs. I tell people I’m lucky. They are incredulous. I say there a 3 reasons:

We have a home and there is food on the table.

Everything that has been a health issue has had a solution.

And most importantly, I have a family I love and who love me!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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Agree, Jim.

Put politics aside for today...maybe for the rest of the long weekend.😄

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Chris, I believe in serendipity, everything happens for a reason! Enjoy Portugal. You are so fortunate to be taking this trip with your son. Father/son moments are irreplaceable. You will look back on this trip many times and it will make you smile.

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Happy Thanksgiving. It was touching to read your story. I also had to face the same fears after being laid off after decades of service. It was a long time to dedicate to one employer and it was't because of any fault of mine. In the name of cost savings hundreds of us were out in the cold...starting over. And most of us did. Sometimes it leads to us finally doing that one thing we have always wanted. It is the old 'when a door closes, a window opens' example. Enjoy your holidays everyone!

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Your story is my story almost exactly. Being fired turned out to be the best outcome for that job and me. \Later my wife said I should send a dozen roses to the person who engineered my firing and she was right. My life took an unexpected turn for the better. Not an easy turn and one that involved an increase in humility but a better way. You share with us what you are reading so may I share with you and others a tiny but powerful book on Gratitude by Oliver Sacks. He too suffered from going in the wrong direction but he changed late in life. In any event, even in what might appear as the worst of times there is much to be grateful for. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Donald in Debrecen, Hungary

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So glad you shared this. I stopped watching CNN and quit X and didn’t know this had happened to you. I was also laid off earlier this year and can relate to feeling thankful, especially today. I’m still figuring it out but no longer being in a toxic place has done wonders for my mental health. Life now is about finding my purpose, not the next paycheck.

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Thank you for sharing. I often think about great my simple life is. I’m happy and grateful to appreciate the simple things 😊

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CNN’s loss. You were one of the best things about CNN! I am grateful for your excellent observations and incisive writing, and I look forward to seeing how you career is going to expand in the year ahead!

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I’m grateful for your Substack, Chris. Your message is timely and welcome. Thank you!

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Thank you Chris...for sharing your journey with us and for your wit and insights. I get a lot of email feeds (too many and I've been culling lately), but the only one I read every time, is So What!

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Happy Thanksgiving, Chris!

I am so thankful that you continue to do what you love!

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Thank you for your wonderful columns. I enjoy your personal vulnerability even more than your political insights (which I also enjoy to be clear). Happy Thanksgiving.

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Thank you, Chris. The funny thing about this most fundamental life lesson is that, unlike some historical fact or a mathematical proof, it has to be learned again and again, pretty much from scratch, by everyone who breathes and asks what for. It is not enough to hear it -- though your honest telling of it is beautiful -- we each have to live it in turn, generally with pain.

I don't believe for a moment the old saw that everything happens for a reason (wouldn't that just be too neat and fine?), but I do believe that everything that happens, especially the bad stuff, calls forth a response, invites us to reshape the clay of our being, which should never harden into rock. The normal life span is thankfully commodious, with room and time for much reworking.

Fwiw, I don't have a TV so I didn't know "CNN's Chris Cillizza," but I'm grateful to read and get to know "So What's Chris Cillizza." Thank you!

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Chris.

Best wishes to all.

Enjoy this day, and reflect on the truly important aspects on your life...those of which you have control.

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