I think all this hand wringing is something of an overreaction. We barely lost the election, and it's taking a little while for the Democrats to get their footing and start moving in the right direction. We shouldn't abandon our principles. We just need to be clear about what they are. Meanwhile, Trump is driving the country over the cliff. His popularity is already waning.

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His popularity is doing quite well.

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Do you believe 45% is quite well? It’s a failing grade in any school/university in the world.

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Dunno what planet you are on, but even CNN is reporting higher polling.

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It was 48 percent. Trump hit slightly over 49.

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Sorry, misunderstood. That's right, Trump's popularity rating is 45 percent.

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Thought you meant the election!

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The Dem's problem is that new registrations are skewing R, that 100% of the swing states went red, and 85% of the counties went right, not left. You need to wake up and smell the coffee. It's not messaging, it's the message.

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"barely lost the election"

Here's the problem with that sort of thinking:

Trump won IN SPITE OF 90% negative news coverage, and the unrelenting lawfare thrown at him.

Not to mention the horrific claims that he was a Nazi (remember the 'fine people' hoax?), and a racist. And yet he still got a larger share of blacks & Latinos than his last run.

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Well, he is a Nazi and a racist. And he would have been convicted of many more crimes if he hadn't run out the clock due to the Supreme Court.

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What a silly comment. Really.

Did you notice the other day - all those boxes of documents the FBI took from Trump's home? You remember - when the FBI raided his home with permission to shoot? They gave all those boxes of documents back to him.

Makes you wonder what the point of it all was - doesn't it?

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Are you really looking at the Democrat 'leaders' - childish, shrill, vulgar - and thinking they are connecting with independents?

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I will NEVER EVER trust the democrats again, ever. Everything they touch turns to s&$t!

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i am a college educated, liberal old lady, and i am offended by your discussion. it seems you are asking people who care about higher education, history, socio- conscious understandings to dumb down our rhetoric to connect to the mass of American voters!....this feels like the weak link theory ....i dont have the answer, but i live in a very red neck community and these maga people ( many my friends ) just seem to hate government, any authority and are very resentful for circumstances they created by ignoring educational opportunities, civics, real news (all fox news addicts)....i did attend the women's march in DC in February and i was put off that it was spearheaded by trans and gay outrageously costumed peeps....bad visual message....( I have nothing against a person doing what they want with their bodies as long it does not injure another.) .... we have become a country of stupid ! keep up the banter!!! maybe free press will survive!🙏

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Dana, I did not hear Chris or his guest ask anyone to dumb down. Rather, I heard them say political parties are supposed to be representative (of the people under their tent) and the way to win elections is to appeal to their interests and concerns. For one wing of the party to push a top-down platform that fails to engage all of their voters is not a winning strategy.

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saying dems need their own donald trump is not dumbing down ??? ❤️

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Can you really look at Dem senators like Maize Hirono and Tina Smith and not admit you're already dumbed down?

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Hi again, the message I heard was that The Democratic Party needs an authentic voice - not a parrot of the "party line." I think they used Bill Clinton, a big winner, as an example.

Out of our shared concern for America's future we must have soul-searching conversations about why we lost in '24 and how to win in '28. Simply put, if the Dems stay on the same path we will lose again. I say, let's throw ideas out there and see what sticks.

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I get the argument but two wrongs don’t make a right. I think there are ways to accomplish persuasive leadership without playing Trump’s game.

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That’s not the argument! The argument is they need someone to disrupt the establishment and speak truth to the base!

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President Trump is a once in a generation leader! Best of luck trying to find another. Spoiler alert, they ain’t out there…. Enjoy this guy while we’ve got him! Never see another one like him ever again!

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what does "speak truth to the base" mean ????

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That cultural issues like trans stuff is simply not a winning issue.

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Chris- Completely agree but what should they do about trans protections being dismantled? Iowa just removed civil law protections. Other states will surely follow. Do they just say sorry?

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The trans supporters are just going to have to realize that they can't get everything they want. No bio males in women's sports of spaces. No children medically transitioning. No talk of 'pregnant people' and 'inseminated parents'.

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What protections were removed? Watching that astro-turf mob at the Iowa capitol will NOT win voters over.

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It means you’re not just reading prepared statements like JB & KH. You actually have something to say not just some stupid talking point! I’m from a middle class family, blah blah blah

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Works for me. Maybe add to the list someone with a great outgoing personality, solid communication skills and under the age of 60.

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You can’t have JD.

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Some Dems went too far left and The Right capitalized on it

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This is a great conversation! Thank you for the sanity

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Chris, I love how you're focusing on how Democrats can actually win, by first analyzing all they did wrong and are still doing. Nice angle, focusing on the solution.

How about a piece on how Democrats can infiltrate the media like the Republicans have been doing for at least a decade now? We could have the best message in the world but if we aren't reaching enough potential dem voters, it will all be wasted. I think it has a lot to do with the gaps between entertainment and news, and opinion and fact, completely disappearing.

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Did you know that every media, other than Fox, is a bullhorn for the liberal Democratic Party? The message goes out, it’s a bad one, people vote the other way.

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What are you smoking?

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Great conversation, Chris—I don’t necessarily disagree with your perspectives, but I do think there’s more to consider.

Just because a voter believes or wants something to be true doesn’t make it accurate, right, or acceptable.

If someone’s beliefs are shaped by constant exposure to misinformation and false narratives, the solution isn’t to pander to them just to secure their vote. It’s more complex than that. While I don’t have a perfect answer, I believe more Democrats recognize this challenge in a way that wasn’t fully acknowledged in your discussion. The reality is, we’re trying to play a game that has been rigged since 2015, and to be fair, we haven’t yet figured out how to win it.

That doesn’t mean we’re delusional or out of touch with what most Americans think is important. It means our messaging is inadequate and needs significant improvement.

And let’s be honest—being liberal and college-educated doesn’t make someone inherently bad or misguided. What’s the alternative? The viewpoints of the misinformed, the uninformed, and those unwilling to engage with reality? I have friends on both sides of the aisle who fit these descriptions. But come on, Chris—you’ve been to Trump rallies. You know exactly what I mean.

The real problem isn’t with Democrats; it’s with the systematic spread of falsehoods coming from Trump, MAGA, and much of the Republican Party. The solution isn’t to blame those trying to navigate reality responsibly; it’s about holding those who peddle misinformation accountable.

There’s nothing normal about what’s happening right now.

Why is that?

I think you’re pointing the finger at the wrong group of people, but I’m still reading your content and watching your shows.

Never stop keeping us thinking, talking and taking action.


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I agree the Dems need someone who isn't trying to appeal to every coalition member, but needing their own Trump is a stretch. Trump is an outlier. There is no Republican who could have done what he did. They have a Trump problem. Some of the arguments that are being made against the Dems now could have been made against the Republicans in 2015. Trump upended everything. If he never entered politics I doubt the Republicans would be as strong as they are now.

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100% agree. Dems need to speak to the issues that the vast majority of voters give a damm about: economy. Immigration. Jobs. The rest is noise. And Dems had better be prepared to push hard against these points to the exclusion of everything else to win in ‘26.

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Correct, opposing waste fraud and abuse of govt or abolishing the police, ect are really stupid rallying cries….

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Mitch, true and someone who will call out his lies as well!!

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Thanks, that was a pretty good discussion.

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Many Trump,voters are not “insanely”: against what he is doing, because it is early days and some of the effects have not yet reached their lives and pocketbooks. Give it another month…and month after month after that, and I think that the ripples of discontent will become a roaring tsunami. There is no doubt that we need new and better leadership from the Democratic Party, definitely along the lines of what Bill Clinton brought.

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Best show ever. Great interview. Will check out Ruyan Teixeira's substack Liberal Patriot.

I agree (to paraphrase in my own words) that the Democratic Party has been spending too much time addressing narrowly defined cultural issues -- and berating those who do not agree with them -- at the expense of core values (like civil rights for all, economic opportunity and security, as well as freedom of thought, speech, and choice -- and, as RT emphasized, patriotism).

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As long as your party elite consist of people like Mitch - who just dismiss a majority of the population as too stupid to vote correctly.

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YES and He’ll YES

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