I've got the jumbled half-theory in my head that our nationwide obesity problem plus liberal and conservative "fat acceptance" have made it possible to believe that the 300-pound 76-year old is physically healthier than the slender old guy. Folks keep saying that Biden's health could suddenly go very bad. I'd say it's even money that Trump's could, as well. We don't know anything about Trump's blood pressure and bad cholesterol. Yeah, we all love our mythologies.

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It's all perception. And perception is very hard to change because it's often not based in reality.

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The basis for this article is one poll that used questionable methodology. Just because a poll is sponsored by a major media source doesn't mean it is necessarily a good one.

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CNN Sucks, Softball questions and no fact checking. I am, sure they will do fact checking after the show, but that will be after the MAGA people have changed the channel. A free 1 hour Trump infomercial. Lame!! Just like I thought . Rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month!! Arm the teachers!! That will stop gun violence.Not checked. Lame. Gonna shut up and also remove CNN from my bookmarks on news sites. Fox news does just as good of a job and I have never had a Fox news link in my bookmarks. .Chris, maybe it is best that you are no longer working for such a suck-up site. When you are a Star, they let you do anything!! CNN proves that Trump is right.

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RE: Election 2024 --- The Old Man versus The Convicted Criminal

To set the table, I voted for Joe in 2020, as well as as for him to be VP in 2008 and 2012. Previously, I thought highly of him when he was a Senator.

This makes my following comments that much more difficult...

When I watched Uncle Joe's "press" conference the other night, he scared me. Not for the content of his answers but for its delivery. He seemed foggy, stogey, and slow. I am aware that he has to deal with stuttering and praise him for his ability to do so. But this was different---there seemed to be an inability to process in the moment.

Joe totally looked like he is the 80-something in front of me in the supermarket with a list his wife gave him for the three items needed for dinner and needing help at the self-check-out aisle.

I am realistic enough to know that the majority of presidential decisions are not made in the spur of the moment. But younger voters aren't going to see the man having meetings with advisors for hours to make important decisions.

I just can't imagine an Independent saying ---yeah, Joe's my guy. Hopefully, well maybe compared to the alternative of a country wreaker.

I am 72-years old and worked for decades in the financial services industry.

I have been contacted by former clients, family, and friends to help them out with investment choices. At this point I will not do so because I don't want the responsibility of their portfolio being affected my not being continually aware of market patterns, etc., as I was a decade ago

That said, Joe, Jill and their cadre of advisors have to step outside their bubble to begin seriously thinking about the country and not the party, nor ego. By betting the house that Uncle Joe can beat the Secessionist-In-Chief has less to do with moving the country forward than by clinging to power.

A one term presidency is not a failure. In fact James K. Polk, said from the outset of his term in office that he would serve only one term. And he is considered on the the more successful presidents by historians.

Joe needs to make the choice sooner than later that he should go full Lyndon B. Johnson and not run, thus opening the field to younger Dem pols, one of whom would do a Nixon versus McGovern (1972) and win by an absolute landslide.

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I was not impressed with how those survey questions were worded. I agree Biden needs to get out there more. And the benefits of his legislative wins need shouted from the mountain tops. Somehow I think we as a nation have gotten so used to having the former guy in our faces all the time, we’ve started to assume that unless a person is in the news all the time and in our faces - one way or another - they aren’t doing/haven’t done anything. A dangerous perception in my mind. Especially as a basis to choose a leader.

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Biden does need to utilize the media to his advantage. He is known for gaffes, so that is not new. However, each and every misstep, gaffe, you name it, you know Trump will exploit. It’s the same thing over a over again. I believe that Biden can indeed handle the media and make sure things are in the best setting for him. The other thing is that not only will Trump exploit all of Biden’s gaffes, but his own missteps or gaffes will be explained away somehow....it was windy, wet, slippery or he just misspoke, these things happen or I never said that. It can be on video and he will say it is incorrect. We all know about the deplorables comment and in context, we all know what Hillary was saying. However, it was totally exploited to mean something that wasn’t. Or the “oh, but her emails”. It doesn’t matter who Trump is up against, it will be the same. As far as age/health, Trump is not much younger and something could happen to him as well. Biden will need to handle that aspect and turn it around about Trump. Quite honestly, Biden does need to step it up perhaps, however, I would guess in most peoples mind, it’s way too early to be thinking about 2024 as far as an election goes.

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Biden has a speech impediment, he stutters. A lot of unscripted appearances will give his opponents a lot of ammo for ads. They will make his stutter, which he has had his whole life, seem to be a sign of cognitive decline. Basement Joe may be the better option.

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Based on the Q&A session Biden had from the White House press room yesterday, he should definitely do more with the media... he looked in command of the facts, addressed the questions deftly and pushed back adroitly when the opportunities were provided....

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