The dumb gatorbait got pantsed. In public. By Mickey Mouse. And the drooling moron was too stupid to know it happened for 8 months.

He might be OK in Flori-Dumb, but like most southern governors, he's a rube when it goes national. He's not running (successfully) in 2024 or 2028, by which time people will be saying "Ron who?"

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I wonder what bowing out of '24, after clearly signaling a run, does to DeSantis' brand? Seems like "too cowardly to square off with Trump" is a label that could follow him

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I would also add on point 3 that if Trump somehow wins in 2024, you dont think there would t immediately be a movement to ch.age the constitution and allow him to remain candidate for life?

I do.

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Yes. But unsuccessful. Amending the Constitution is just too hard on as controversial a subject as a third DJT term.

He could, of course, just burn the Constitution on the steps of the Capitol and declare himself "Caudillo por vida."

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Wannbe Mussolini should wait four more years to show America just how dangerous he is as a purported leader, who is a Trump toady.

He will continue to throw out red meat to a base that plays well in Pensacola, but not in Peoria.

A technocrat is bad enough, but one with no dependable personality is worse.

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Ugh, can I say I am already done with 2024? 2016 & 2020 campaigns were exhausting. I will take it one step further 2015 through now has been exhausting. Trump sucks everything out of anything to begin with, let alone DeSantis. DeSantis will run, won’t succeed and will try again in 2028. I feel as though he needs to run, even if he isn’t ready as he may then become a has been. I personally wouldn’t care one way or the other. If Trump gets the nomination, which I expect him to, all hell will break loose come Election Day. Win or lose, the country will be going into a constitutional crisis.

I would like to see Asa Hutchinson break through, or perhaps Chris Sunuunu. I wouldn’t vote for them but they wouldn’t be Trump or DeSantis and we may be able to get back to some “normalcy” in the Republican Party.

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I will add that normalcy may or may not be able to happen for quite some time due to the make up of leadership in congress, etc. However, we would have a chance to have cooler heads prevail. Perhaps wishful thinking.

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Chris Christie didn't run in 2012 and look what happened to him. If you have a shot, take it.

Also, if DeSantis bows out, it will make him look like the biggest pussy

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If meatbot Ron gets the 2024 nomination, Trump will take the base, run 3rd party and kill the gop. That might be best for the country.

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Remember Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Most people at the time thought Barack Obama had no chance with Hillary Clinton in the Primaries, but we all know how it ended. Let DeSantis throw his Hat in the Ring and see what happens. Tomorrow is not promised anyone in life and in Politics

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Jeb! DeSantiis has a lot of money but so did....Jeb!

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"No matter what happens in 2024, Trump is done in 2028. Either he’s term limited out of office after two terms or he’s a two-time loser for president and, presumably, persona non grata in the Republican party."

Or he's in jail.

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