I agree that the race is over. But how much damage can Haley inflict in terms of getting under Trump’s skin and inspiring more rage? As you’ve said, there is a big chunk of voters who are with him no matter what. But perhaps some of those indies, or more centrist GOP voters will have second thoughts come November as the stable genius gets even more unhinged, maybe enough to turn the tide for Biden.

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I’ll give you a loser you missed. I just left this comment at Charlie Sykes but it works here:

I realized this morning that thoughts and prayers are in order for Elise. She’s not going to get veep because Trump can’t pronounce Stefanik. That’s hilarious that she’s given up every shred of dignity and because her ancestors didn’t anglicize the name enough she loses.

I do realize she would change it to Elise Reek if she had to, but I really don’t believe that’ll do it. Trump isn’t going to willingly trip over saying Vice President Stepanack or however it gets bumbled out.


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Well, she's also not from Central Casting, and far too "frumpy" for Trump.

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I think that’s one of the reasons Pence was chosen. He looked good. I still can’t believe he’d have had Bannon anywhere around him. Maybe he was blaming the odor on Sloppy Steve.

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He looked the part (the silver fox) and he brought the Evangelical voters into the fold. The latter is no longer needed, they are all in (and I have to say I enjoy reading Peter Wehner and Tim Alberta wring their hands about how this damaged their precious born again fee fees.)

No, Trump needs a submissive bit of arm candy who can also lash out with ferocity. Stefanik has the latter, but not the former. I am betting on Kari Lake, or his latest lawyer, Alina Habbas

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OOOooooo, another zinger, Mr. Robbins. Thank you that moment of laughter!

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😆 really a great comment, Kevin!!!

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Hah...good--and amusing--point!

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Trump was nasty to Nikki Haley last night because Haley vowed to continue her race. I find that to be rich of Trump(though I am not surprised) who uptil now has refused to concede an election that he (Trump) lost to Biden.

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Once Trump steamrolls Haley in South Carolina, her campaign will be over.

I still can't quite get over the fact that Republicans have completely abandoned democracy in favor of Trump but, well, here we are.

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Where she will not only be humiliated, but then add to it by endorsing Trump.

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100% agreed.

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Yeah...I felt embarrassed for Senator Scott...who, even more shamefully, did not seem to feel any on his own account. Does Scott really, really need the job THAT much that he would lick the bottom of Trump's shoes? That whole scene, including Trumps classless trashing of his opponent (who, to her credit, graciously congratulated Trump on his win) made me want to barf. On Trump, preferably.

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Scott's the living embodiment of the guy the field slaves had in mind when they coined that term of derision for the ones who served Ol' Massa in the Big House and were so loyal they would tell Ol' Massa about any talk of rebellion they heard.

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Biden didn't just cross the 50% threshold, he crushed Phillips by more than 67% the last time I checked. Trump's win is not impressive at all, look this guy is a quashi incumbent at least in the eyes of his cult members and Trump himself said that claiming falsely that he won the 2020 election. Trump got some 54% while Biden got 67%and he Biden was not even on the Ballot.

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Chris, once again, I think you’re missing the forest for the trees (I think your comments about the “significance” of his Iowa win downplayed the fact that almost HALF the Republicans DIDN’T vote for Trump). Sure, no Republican in modern times has won both the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary. That’s an impressive win for Trump, no doubt, if THAT’S the only data point you look at.

Yes, you mentioned the “independents” and Trump’s poor performance with them, given the absolutely MASSIVE significance they will have in the general (almost half of Americans identity as independent), but I can’t help but think THAT’S the single most important takeaway from NH! Trump, if you believe the MSM and their prognosticating, OWNS the Republican Party’s hearts and minds, yet he only won by 11%?!? How is THAT in any way what Trump’s result SHOULD have been, if he’s indeed got the Party locked up?!

I think the significant story here is that Trump is looking weaker and weaker for the general in November. As many others have been clear to point out, polls’ significance wanes when we get the results of ACTUAL elections! Virtually NO ONE responds to poll requests: that’s why the cost of good non-partisan polling has gotten so expensive and why they have to take very small samples and use algorithms to extrapolate their results to the broader demographics of the actual voting public. There was no “Red Wave” in 2022, Wisconsin has a liberal Supreme Court, Youngkin lost both houses of their legislature, and over and over again, Democrats have OUTPERFORMED expectations. THAT’S the truly significant story here.

I don’t expect you to be a Democratic Party apologist, but I would expect you to parse the analysis a bit more thoughtfully. Sorry, but I think you missed the mark on this post.

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Chris hasn't fully completed the de-CNNing.

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As an example, I think Jay Kuo at The Status Kuo gets it right. Here’s HIS take on the results of NH:


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And here’s another article, this one from Charlie Sykes at The Bulwark, on the key takeaways that Chris underplayed:


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To me and most fair minded persons,one other significant takeaway from last night's primary in Newhampshire is that Trump's performance was underwhelming ( he won by just 11% after he was projected to win some 60% of the votes. Whereas, Biden won impressively by some 60% when he is not even on the ballot. And I agree with everything you said in your comment here Mr Larry Deeds

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Trumps win was no surprise, it was just the margins. Trump going after Haley is also not surprising, he’s unhappy she did not drop out and it will only get worse. It’s all disgraceful and there is just no bottom. I just hope that as we are turning to the general, Trump melts down in a significant fashion and his numbers start to plummet. Vote 💙

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is there any chance before SC or super-Tuesday that there will be a flood of new evidence released in one of the court cases that Haley could use in campaign ads?

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Tim Scott is the 2024 version of Chris Christie in 2016. A former foe, now vanquished, shamelessly sucking up to their malicious vanquisher...Trump.

Who can forget the image of Christie standing, dutifully, behind Dear Leader, looking like a sad and beaten man. Scott is Christie redux.

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Tim Scott stood behind Trump, grinning like a 5 year old birthday boy while Trump trashed the woman who made him a Senator.

Trump demands submission, and Scott submits. Tim Scott, what's it like in that trash can? Icky gross 😝

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“He is the first Republican in the history of the modern primary process to win both Iowa and New Hampshire. The first!” - Correct me if I am wrong, but in 1992 George HW Bush won both, didn’t he?

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Yes, but he was the ACTUAL incumbent, so I don’t know whether that makes it significant or not. And I believe that Reagan, also as an actual incumbent., won both as well...

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Just trying to hold Chris to journalistic facts…. He’s not the first, by definition. Maybe the first non-incumbent.

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Understood. Being factually accurate is Job #1 for a journalist.

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Hopefully, when Phillips disappears, he'll take that two-faced conniving opportunist Steve Schmidt with him.

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Thanks for great wrap up. No surprises from my home state. None expected really.

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I don't think Haley makes it to South Carolina. Everyone is pressuring her to get out, she's going to get killed and if she's serious about 2028, you never want to be the person who hung on too long and become a pariah like Bernie was in 2016.

Poor Ryan Binkley though. He lost to four people who dropped out and barely beat Mary Maxwell.

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