
The Morning: John Kelly vs Donald Trump

Who you gonna believe?

On Tuesday, The Atlantic and the New York Times published extensive interviews with former Marine Gen. John Kelly, who spent time as head of the Department of Homeland Security and White House chief of staff for Donald Trump.

Kelly, as he has been before, was sharply critical of Trump — suggesting that the former president fits the dictionary definition of a fascist, that he lacks even a basic understanding of the separation of powers and that Trump had expressed admiration for some of the traits of Nazi leader Adolph Hitler.

You can read the excerpts of the Times interview here. And The Atlantic piece is here.

I have two basic thoughts.

First, this is unlikely to change the presidential race in any meaningful way. The people who are going to read the Times or Atlantic piece are ALREADY voting for Kamala Harris. The Trump base will dismiss this all as the gripings of a man the president got rid of (more on that below). Undecided voters? I mean, who knows — but my guess is they won’t even hear about Kelly’s comments or that it simply won’t move the needle for them.

Second, I have to say I totally believe Kelly — and his characterizations of Trump. Ask yourself this: Who is more likely to be lying in this “he said, he said” battle? Kelly, a decorated general who served his country on the battlefield and in the government or, well, Trump? I mean it’s not even close!

Also, why would Kelly lie? He’s no liberal! Or an anti Trumper! He served in 2 different roles in the Trump administration. This is not a guy who has made a living — financially and otherwise — by bashing Trump. John Kelly ain’t the Lincoln Project.

Plus, think of what we know about Trump solely from observing him in office. He does think of America like one big business that he runs — and where his word should be law. He has repeatedly praised authoritarians and dictators for the loyalty they command from their people. He has shown an ignorance of even the basics of how the government should work.

So, yeah, I believe John Kelly. And, no, I don’t think it will change many votes.

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