You’ll be judged by the company you keep.
My wife and I tell our two boys this all the time — making sure they know that the people they choose as friends say something about them. And even if they themselves are great kids, if they are hanging out with a bunch of disrespectful jerks, lots and lots of their peers, teachers and other adults will see them as disrespectful jerks too.
Which brings me to Donald Trump’s big rally at Madison Square Garden on Sunday night.
Before Trump ever hit the stage at the 5-hour marathon rally, one speaker had called Doug Emhoff a “bad Jew.” Another had referenced Kamala Harris’ “pimp handlers.” And still another — a “comedian” — had repeatedly insulted Hispanics and referred to Puerto Rico as a floating garbage pit in the ocean.
The Trump campaign tried to distance itself from that last set of comments. “This joke does not reflect the views of President Trump or the campaign,” said a spokeswoman. The campaign also noted that they had not previewed the remarks by the comedian before he delivered them.
Which, fine, I guess. But here’s the reality: Donald Trump has been platforming people with hateful and intolerant views for the last decade. Every time a surrogate of his says something racist or awful, his defenders will insist Trump himself isn’t racist or awful. But if you keep giving racist and awful people room to speak — under your name and with a bright light shining on them — does it really matter what you think in your heart of hearts?
One of the things that really worries me about another Trump term is that he has, for a very long time, provided cover for these fringe voices. He has emboldened them to come out of the darkness — to speak truth to wokeness (or something).
And, if he is president again, you can be sure these voices will grow bolder. They will see their views as having been affirmed by his election. And they will push even further — rhetorically and otherwise.
Who you surround yourself — in campaigns and in life — matters. And Sunday at Madison Square Garden was a harsh reminder of who Trump chooses to pal around with.
The Morning is a FREE post. In fact, ALL of my content is FREE between now and the election!!! But, I need your support to keep my nonpartisan and independent journalism going! Become a paid subscriber for $6 a month or $60 a year today!
I have read in a number of places, including the Bulwark this morning, that all of the "speeches"/comments were vetted by the Trump campaign and put on the teleprompter. Why is anyone surprised about this? This is who MAGA is and has been for years. It is obvious. Everyone focuses on Trump and somehow excuses him. It is everyone around him and who will be in his second administration that is scaring the hell out of me. Trump may pretend he doesn't know anything about Project 2025 but who do people think Trump will surround himself with? BTW, Trump is now wearing a black-and-gold MAGA hat, the colors of the Oath Keepers. You should read Heather Cox Richardson this morning, who describes the NAZI rally at MSG in the 1930s. It is eerily chilling.
As soon as I heard about this MSG rally, the connection jumped out at me. One of the reasons that we were so slow to get involved in fighting the Nazis in WWII was the widespread Nazi movement right here. It has never gone away, and Trump and his cadre of fascists know exactly what they are doing. It's disgusting.
And reportedly, using the "c" word to describe the VP was cut from the "comedian's" script. First class all the way!
Ahh -- So it seems that they DID know what he was going to say. Undermines their fake and late disavowal.
So the Trump campaign disavowed the comment about Puerto Rico, but I noticed that they didn't disavow the "bad Jew" or "pimp handlers" comments. Which means that they are perfectly fine with some of the racist language. When somebody shows you who they are, believe them.
They only disavowed the Puerto Rico comments, when Republican politicians in Florida, attacked the “comedian”, and made it clear this could affect Trump in the election negatively, trust me they were all in the back cheering and laughing
Of course!
Donnie Dementia will demonstrate his love of Puerto Rico by flying there and handing out more rolls of paper towels.
This is why my anxiety about next week is growing. We are so screwed if he wins, but his losing could be equally horrible if he rallies his follows to violence. Trump doesn't care who gets hurt and looks like violence is his only choice. His "musings" are going get more vitriolic. Holding on to my seat!
I share your trepidation. Either Trump wins, in which case, kiss democracy goodbye (or whatever's left of it, anyway, and no, I don't think that it's hyperbole to say this), or he loses but will still say that he won and that he was cheated out of the election, in which case we will see violence the likes of which will make January 6th look like a garden party. And again, I don't think that this is hypebole.
I agree, it’s very likely, and not hyperbole.
I woke up this morning with anticipatory grief and fear
Sunday morning ( yesterday) I woke up just fine and was chilling before I started breakfast. I stay at my bf on the weekends and go home after Sunday breakfast ( Eggs Benedict everyone's fav!! ). So he comes in the living room and turns on CNN and I think it was the Chris Wallace or Jake Tapper show and they are playing clips of Trump and Vance and I slowly feel my anxiety start rising. I head out to the kitchen to start cooking and I can still hear it but I'm trying really hard to ignore it. With the food done and plated I bring it out for us to eat and he still has it anxiety went into over drive and I about lost it. I couldn't eat my food, became nauseas , felt my blood pressure rising in not a good way and I begged him to turn it off and I mean begged. I can't hear their voices ( or the a-holes that are voting for him ) without having a panic attack. Thank god CNN online went to pay subscription because I no longer go on there and get spooked. ( btw....I liked CNN - that's how I found Chris Cilliza but they are now almost as bad as FOX ). This isn't healthy for us or our country. God speed if he wins
Hey Dutch:
Here is my math Dutcharoo:
Harris will get 95% of Democrats votes. 12% of Republicans. 60% of independents which will be 53-54% of the total vote. The VICTORY is for freedom and democracy Dutcharoo! Not the racism and misogyny displayed by your hero at Madison Square Garden last evening. Harris fills every arena and your hero had to pay and bus in his racist MAGAts last night because New York City is Harris country! Crawl back into your hole Dutcharoo!
Best of luck with all those calculations!
After all of these many months I still don't know if you're a real person or simply a paid troll, but either way you're still a troll.
And as much as I disagree with you about Dementia Donnie and the fascist authoritarian dictatorship he'll unleash as he and his many minions destroy 250 years of American democracy for their own personal gains, I actually have a great deal of sympathy for you.
I'm at an age where there are far fewer days ahead of me than behind me. So when you and the rest of the Trumpty Dumpty Gestapo come to take me away to one of their "resettlement" camps (the new politically correct term for the Concentration Camps in Nazi Germany), so be it.
But your entire movement is based on hatred and manufactured fear. It's all sleight-of-hand, and all of you are too ignorant and too cult-programmed to recognize it. While Dementia Donnie keeps distracting you by drawing your focus to the latest group-of-the-week to hate and marginalize, they're dismantling and reorganizing the American economy to line their own pockets. But the flaw in any system based on hatred is that you eventually run out of people and groups that you can hate, before you find out that you're a member of the latest group they've created. You all think that you're safe from the cult mentality - until you're not, and by then it's too late for you, and you realize that everything you thought was great really wasn't.
Let's start with the low-hanging fruit on the tree - the dreaded illegals. Let's say you do manage to round up and deport the 12 to 20 million people that are in the country illegally. Done. For arguments sake, we'll ignore the impact this will have on the American economy. Next we'll go after the next easy target, members of the LGBT community. Strip them of every basic human right, as well as overturning every legal decision codifying their rights. Done. What's next? Democrats? People that don't support a Christian Nationalist America (Jews, Protestants, Mormons, atheists, etc.)? Done. Next, let's go after any legal citizen (especially those from the south of the border "shithole" countries) that doesn't have at least three generations of American citizenship. Done. Are we closing in on you yet, Dutch? Because if we haven't reached your "protected" category yet, it's just a matter of time until the Gestapo targets whatever group you're a part of.
Be careful of what you wish for, because you may end up getting it, and will be unprepared for the resulting consequences.
Best of luck to you when you wake up from your fevered dream of a Trump victory.
Just woke up (no pun intended) he he he! 😎
Hope you recognize the irony in your sarcasm next week!
I think you’re being generous to him as there is ample evidence of Trump’s fascist or at least authoritarian orientation. But it was clearly a gaffe to insult Puerto Ricans.
I judge Trump by what he says and what he’s done. There is no need for guilt by association
November 5th you will be able to add over 270 for President Trump
Dutch, this begs the question. Why would you support a person who supports such other hateful people?
Don't hold your breath waiting for an answer, unless you have a strange fondness for the color blue your face will become.
Not going to happen Dutch! Crawl back into your hole only to emerge in 2028 to President Harris elected to a second term!!
Don’t see the whole 2028 Harris thing happening…..
Ok, best of luck to you!
Hey Mark!
How did all those calculations work out?
Haven’t heard from you?
This election was SO ez to predict, your calculations were hilarious, thanks for that! 😂
Enjoy fascism Dutch Boy!!!
Behold! Tucker Carlson also said that Trump gave them all the liberty to tell the truth. And there it is, for them.
Trump has surrounded himself with these negative people espousing hatred since 2015. He knows full well what they stand for, consistently encourages and embraces all of it.
There is a picture of attendees at the rally and front and center is Speaker of the House Mike Johnson gazing up at Trump with a beatific smile on his face. It will one day grace history books as emblematic of this dark time. Horrifying.
Indeed. A man who has said he receives all his guidance from the Bible. Guess he missed the parts about worshiping false idols and being taken in by the devil. What a disgrace.
Birds of the same feather flock together.
Chris I know you and the MAGA crowd don't believe Trump is a racist, Fascist, and a misogynist. You also don't believe that Trump is suffering from age related cognitive blunting and has nothing to do with project 2025. You also tried to absolve him from blame after he intiintimidated Bexos to kill Wapo's plan to endorse President Harris ( sorry vice president Harris). Trump is a Racist and a fascist. The evidence is every where for people who want to see to see it.
President Harris( sorry vice president) Harris) will continue to preach joy and unity until she's sworn in in 2025!!
Chris won't discuss those items because they do not "interest" him. As he's stated in the past, he only writes on topics that he finds interesting. These usually involve nit-picking every minute detail about every possible item that can post Harris in a negative light while remaining completely blind to anything that might be critical of the Dictator-in-Chief. Dollars to donuts that Chris ends up in the Press Office or Communications Office of the Dementia Donnie administration.
PS - that's why I cancelled my paid subscription.
Most people aren't really paying attention. And the ones who are just waive it off as "Trump being Trump." Or they note that politicians on all sides refer to the other party as fascists and Nazis, to the point where they're just mindless insults rather than dire warnings.
Democracy requires an educated electorate. The GOP has been chipping away at education for decades. Add to that the gift of social media as a misinformation / rage engine and you've got all the tinder you need to torch this country's democracy.
There was a time when I thought the best thing to do with Trump was to let him speak and show who he really is. The scary thing is he’s doing it and his poll numbers are rising. What does that say about our country? What does that say about the people who live in this country? It says a lot of them are OK with putting someone like Donald Trump back in the White House. I’m not sure there is much more Kamala could have done to slow the wave of hate and racism that Trump is hoping to ride to power. I hope so much that there are enough level-headed people on Election Day who can reverse course before it’s too late.
I would only say that the polls are snapshots in time at their best, and rubbish at worst. Remember the predicted red wave two years ago and the Obama-Romney dead heat in 2012? The latter election was called for Obama before 10:00 PM? Take heart.
This wasn’t an accident. It was the point. It’s what MAGA was built on—a message to the white, the bitter, and the fearful that their ginned up anger is a rallying cry, a political stance, and a weapon. It's a promise that America belongs to them and no one else. It’s why Trump’s rallies don’t even try to reach beyond his hardcore base. The sad part is that, for as many reasonably-minded people as he'll lose because of this abomination, he'll gain just as many who want nothing more than a fourth Reich.
An Open Letter to Your Friend or Relative Planning to Vote for Trump: Your Vote for Trump Is an Endorsement of Bigotry, Cruelty, and the Erosion of Rights—No Matter the Reason You Give.
Simply put, a fascist is someone who and/or a party which in lieu of developing and presenting policies, finds groups to scapegoat and degrade in order to achieve power. Come on, Chris, no need to go into the heart of darkness to call this one.
Really liked the post ... but it got me thinking about the following: You said that you don't know whether Trump is a fascist or not. While that is literally true in the sense that nobody can see the inner life of another human, I think (following up on your posto) that it is reasonable to infer a person's beliefs from the company they keep ... AND ... from their (repeated) words and actions. On this basis, I feel comfortable calling Trump authoritarian and antidemocratic. His emphasis on demonizing outsiders and his emotional, visceral appeals to the most base form of nationalism is also consistent with being a fascist. At the end of the day, I don't even know how much it matters if you use the term or not ... focus on his actions and statements.
No matter how his campaign people attempt to manipulate it, "The buck stops...." with DJT!
Truth was seen, and in unmistakable fashion. Indicates to me, that there is no longer an aim to win the election, but to lose, and thereby loose the dogs of insurrection. Nobody could have been of changed mind due to that animosity display, but hatred can have been fed fuel.
Imagine being so racist, even the Trump campaign distances himself from you
This is why I love you, Chris. Reasonable. Values-oriented. Practical. Appealing to our better angels.
This post is perfectly expressed. The point you made is why, as a Christian, I'm appalled and disgusted by how the evangelical movement has largely (and enthusiastically) embraced Trump. Despite his stated policy positions (which are merely for political convenience, in my view, not because of a guiding moral compass), his behavior is anti-Christ in the truest sense of the term. The same can be said for the people he surrounds himself with.
Jesus said -
"God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him,
for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.
God blesses those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
God blesses those who are humble,
for they will inherit the whole earth.
God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice,
for they will be satisfied.
God blesses those who are merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
God blesses those whose hearts are pure,
for they will see God.
God blesses those who work for peace,
for they will be called the children of God.
God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right,
for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs."
Sandy, Thanks for quoting Scripture.🙏 It’s been obvious for years that the convicted felon does exactly the *opposite* of what Jesus teaches.✝️
Thank you for saying that, Barbara. It deeply baffles me how anyone of faith can advocate for that man. In no way does he "act justly, show mercy, and walk humbly with God".
I agree 💯%. Keep praying.🙏
By the way, of course Harris could fill MSG!
Why doesn’t she do it then? No bigger stage in America.
No reason to
Right, why reach out to thousands of voters a week before the election. Makes perfect sense I guess?!?
She is reaching out to voters. She's been holding rallies and events everyday.
She's going to win NY going away. It'd be a waste of her time, just like it's a waste of Trump's time.
Agreed, she will win NY!
I did like her rally in Texas (she won’t win there either) where she promised Beyoncé would sign and when she didn’t people left in droves, kinda funny huh? 😂
I think the rally in Texas was a waste of her time too
She was talking to her "base" of democratic female voters who believe that they should control their bodies, not a bunch of men with no uterus. trump talks to his "base", angry white racists, who believe that they should control everything, uterus or not. That's what this election is about: racism, fear, and ignorance vs. inclusion, knowledge, and hope for a better future for ALL OF US, not just the oligarchs!
She's booked the Ellipse. Better location since it's recorded as the location for one of the most horrific days in our recent republic's history. Good reminder of the Hang Pence chants, storming the Capitol, hurting officers, etc. You don't care about that day, or do you? As a former DOJ, you cared about those officers and potential gvt officials getting hurt, right?
"Madison Square Garden in New York City...The venue has a capacity of 19,500.
"Meanwhile, the vice president held a rally in Houston, Texas, on Friday which was also her largest since she became the Democratic nominee. Her campaign estimated that the rally drew a crowd of around 30,000 people.
"Trump has averaged crowd sizes of about 5,600 across the 28 rallies.
"Between July and mid-August, Harris appeared at six rallies, with an average crowd size of about 13,400"
Best of luck!
Let’s talk in a week! 😎
Thank you for this reminder Chris, it does matter what beliefs and actions you platform when you have a large audience. I would add a nuance to it that I encouraged my sons (born in the early 1980's) to keep in mind. There are some people who are seen in a negative light because old stereotypes take a long time to go away. If someone is treated negatively because of something like skin color or sexual orientation, things that harm no one. don't be afraid to be seen as their friend, as long as they aren't doing wrong things.
This was one of your best pieces of information Chris. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Make America Hate Again
This wasn’t an accident. It was the point. It’s what MAGA was built on—a message to the white, the bitter, and the fearful that their ginned up anger is a rallying cry, a political stance, and a weapon. It's a promise that America belongs to them and no one else. It’s why Trump’s rallies don’t even try to reach beyond his hardcore base. The sad part is that, for as many reasonably-minded people as he'll lose because of this abomination, he'll gain just as many who want nothing more than a fourth Reich.
An Open Letter to Your Friend or Relative Planning to Vote for Trump: Your Vote for Trump Is an Endorsement of Bigotry, Cruelty, and the Erosion of Rights—No Matter the Reason You Give.
Chris …. Please call a spade a spade and stop giving Donald Trump any leeway that he may not have known who was speaking and exactly what they were going to say!!!
He is a FACIST!!! It doesn’t take much imagination to see that and the sooner we all shout that from the rooftops the better for the country!!!!!!!!!!
This! This! Is going to be what I refer any Trump voters I meet with to in the final days. This came directly from the horse's rear end. How do you not recognize or realize finally what Trump and his people are? Mic drop!
Hi Chris, thank you for your daily insights. I’m a paid up subscriber and will remain so.
This morning you rightly noted how you advise your kids to be wary of those with whom they pal around with, a nice set up for your MSG points. However, you included the category of “kids who do not look people on the eye.”
I get it. It’s the old firm handshake, look them in the eye thing. But I’ve come to learn that many very good people are neurodivergent and have great difficulty looking people directly in the eye. It’s almost painful. It has no bearing on their integrity.
I’m just sharing my experience, having a lovely kid with such issues. Gentle, honest, etc. But despite years of efforts and tricks (e.g., focus on the forehead etc), it just hasn’t sunk in.
No need for comment. I know your intent is pure. Just an fyi.
With gratitude for all you share and do.
"It's time to get out those white sheets and red armbands, and give a HUGE welcome to your favorite ''Rambling Racist' and convicted felon"....
Really Chris? This is your take on the most racist presidential political rally in modern history? How about the echoes of the 1939 Nazi rally at MSG? You know as well as anyone that these events are scripted. From where the event is held, when it held, and who says what. The rally was an obvious nod to white supremacists. There was no need for a rally at MSG at this time with these speakers. It was done for a reason. That's the story, not the company he keeps
Chris won't discuss that fact because it does not "interest" him. As he's stated in the past, he only writes on topics that he finds interesting. These usually involve nit-picking every minute detail about every possible item that can post Harris in a negative light while remaining completely blind to anything that might be critical of the Dictator-in-Chief. Dollars to donuts that Chris ends up in the Press Office or Communications Office of the Dementia Donnie administration.
PS - that's why I cancelled my paid subscription.
Hi Chris. This is such a great point! It really captures the essence of what’s been happening with his campaign and how it emboldens some people to behave so poorly. Also bringing out the worst in so many people.
Great article, Chris. I tell my kids the same thing.
I’m sad about what has happened to the GOP. Thrilled that Donald chose that party to blow up vs the Dems - I truly don’t think we would have embraced him like they did. What happens to the non-MAGA arm of the GOP, do they form a different party? Or fall in line until he goes away away?
Unfortunately, I don't see Trump losing this one. I know, I know... it's pessimistic and disheartening, but I call them like I see them.
I'm mostly in agreement with your assessment, but there's still a nagging feeling that I can't shake, that women voters have been greatly under-counted in polls and under-estimated in strength, and their votes will put Harris over the top. That won't stop any of the post-election shenanigans Donnie Dementia and his MAGA minions will unleash upon society and the Courts, but at noon on January 20th, it will be Kamala Harris taking the oath of office.
Damn Skippy, I hope you're right. Either way, I appreciate your optimism.
You’re exactly correct Chris. You could record a similar message about the Trump supporters, both the uninformed voters and the informed enablers such as Cruz, Rubio, Scott Jennings, David Urban, and the endless parade of those who should know better, but have decided to bend the knee in placing their positions of power above that of the good of the country. Trump and his supporters spew toxic rhetoric and hate towards brown skin people and anyone else who doesn’t agree with their garbage views, and for me at least, voting for Trump reflects that voter’s same hateful, racist, intolerant attitude.
They are saying who they are. They are saying what they will do. We have been making excuses for him for over a decade now. People will always act surprised when these things come up, but they aren't hiding it. I just wish people would call it what it is, he says and does horrible things, but I want taxes cut, so I will put up with it.
Let’s remember that Democracy prevails in the end. But voting for Harris will save millions of lives.
Chris, I have said for a long time that what Trump did was take the lid off all the horrible ideas that forever had been kept sealed. We might have had them, but we just didn't say it out loud! And we definitely didn't act on them. But now? Now the president says them, so it is OK! What do you say to your sons in THAT world?
I woke up again this morning terrified that perhaps this is who we are! Perhaps America really is a misogynistic, racist, xenophobic, country? We will know in a while.
Maybe honesty and confession is what is needed!
Trump has a fabulous brand. Which makes it almost impossible for Americans to be ambivalent about choosing between Trump and Harris. MAGA Republicans and Democrats. Last nights rally was something else. His pathological hatred for immigrants, Democrats and Democracy was made
clear. I’m sure it helped to make up the minds of many who were still unsure who to vote for.
I’d be a little a concerned if I was Scott or Cruz, now because if these states were ever flippable, they certainly are now. Trump threatening major voting bases in those states was politically naive.
Trump is possibly the best candidate Harris could ever choose to have. He’s helping to make her closing message very clear. Which is: If you oppose Trump, you will be punished. For years. Using various heinous methods that his supporters can dream up.
Hope vs Horror. If you have young children, averting their eyes from the television spectacle that was yesterday’s rally wasn’t a hard choice. It’s hard to imagine the horrors Trump’s followers went though to get them to this point. It makes it easier to see how racism grows. When rich men in suits spout it for hours. And billionaire media owners look the other way.
While we should be concerned about the actions we will need to take if Trump wins, I think Trump’s increasing demagogy makes it less likely that he will.
Thanks, Chris.
Stop it!
President Trump filled MSG in the middle of liberal America and you bring negative news! Cmon man, VP Harris couldn’t fill it even if she promised Beyoncé was gonna sing (he he he)!
This thing is over! Landslide alert incoming…..
You're whistling past the graveyard. Convicted Felon Trump is circling the drain and his hatefest yesterday just cost him the Latino vote at the very least.
And don't miss this delightful ad:
Whistling past the graveyard you say…
Are you okay with the comments about Puerto Rico?
You are okay with the things that were said at that rally?
Let’s remember who’s calling who Hitler, correct??
Classic deflection, as usual.
His running mate?
Yep, before he kissed the ring.
General John Kelly called Traitor/Rapist/Fraud/34X felon a fascist and Hitler admirer!!!
And John Kelly knew the convicted felon very well.
If it walks and talks like a duck (fascist)....
If the shoe fits...
How about answering Sue's question - or do you lack the balls to do so - or maybe you're frightened of the repercussions associated with saying something negative (but truthful) about Donnie Dementia.
JD Vance started it.
• As always; Dutch generously sharing whataboutism-"masterpieces".
• As always; count on Dutch never*) offering an honest answer.
*) As in ever.
Here’s a honest answer: President Trump YUGE winner!
Right, brag about crowd size and ignore that the crowd is drawn by a noxious mix of bigotry, hatred , and lies. Brilliant. As Trump likes to say, 1/6 was a big crowd too. It was also a day that brought shame upon Trump and this Country. I sure hope you are a parody account. There can be no other excuse
I am not sure I understand, Todd, your comment (criticism?). Of course Trump is malignant; the number of adjectives applying to him is infinite. The problem this time around is that MAGA's acolytes have had four years planning for the seizure of power and remaking the US in its image. They have the playbook now and the people to implement it. I still read commentary saying Trump is disorganized, etc. and won't be able to implement what he says he will do. We got through his first Presidency fine. Well, this time around the people around him will make sure that MAGA/White-male Christian supremacy ideology is implemented. It is chilling.
So NBC’s Sunday Night Football cut out an interview when Nick Bosa showed up in a MAGA hat!
So that’s CBS ( 60 Minutes ) and now NBC. There a week left for ABC to do the same! 😂
Chris…very well stated. Thank you!!
I hope this doesn't mean we're not getting "The 2,479 Most Batshit Crazy Things from Trump's Madison Square Garden Rally".
C'mon Chris - we need it.
Chris is probably still going through Trump's 3-hour hatefest with Joe Rogan.
I agree. It's kind of a no-brainer. I also think she should go on Joe Rogan.
Leave it to Trump to furnish the nails and the cross on which to crucify him. That is exactly what he and his pathetic minions did Sunday in MSG. The only problem is will the Harris campaign have the competence to use everything that they provided?
Blow through the billion dollars in donations and flood every swing state with hard hitting messages non-stop through Election Day. Pulverize him!!
Speak truth to woke? Speak truth? Pardon?
I asked last week how to make a zoom appointment as I am a paid subscriber and was told once verified I would get an email to sign up for one. The email never came!
Steve Rapaport
Me at
Thank you