
This is going to *really* piss Donald Trump off 😡

Elon Musk, cover boy

This is going to piss Donald Trump off:

There are two reasons why — one obvious, the other slightly less so.

  1. Trump wants to be the lead actor, the guy in the spotlight — always. And nothing makes him more mad then when he views someone else getting attention that should be his. So the idea of “President Musk” is certain to drive him up a wall.

  2. Trump (still) cares about magazine covers. In terms of his cultural frame of reference, Trump is still stuck in the 1980s. And in the 80s, being on the cover of Time magazine was a very big deal. Such a big deal that Trump had fake “Person of the Year” covers made and hung in his golf clubs! Time magazine isn’t what it once was in terms of size and influence. But to Trump? It matters bigly.

I have been vocal about my belief that the Trump-Elon bromance will explode. It’s a matter of when, not if. And this cover moves that explosion timeline up.

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